Chapter 67: The Aura Within

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After winning the Ultra class showcase and becoming the world champion of the performance world, as well as securing her title as the Alolan queen, Serena is immediately roped into the unfortunate side of her existing fame.

For the next few hours, she finds herself juggling interviews with the media, and the usual meet and greets with sponsors.

She ends up in a formal party as such, shaking hands with the right people and doing what is expected of her in these sorts of scenarios.

Unlike the master class party, there isn't really a way for her to turn this party into one she would enjoy, without Ash and Gary's antics to spice up the night.

Thankfully after a further hour, Serena manages to escape the grasp of the media as she makes it back to her hotel room.

It's now pretty late at night, and Serena is pretty tired from the day that's been. While most girls her age would probably want to hit the club to celebrate, that's not really Serena's style.

She's just too tired to bother with all of that, especially without her boyfriend to celebrate with her. Going out without him and being hit on by nearly every guy she meets, no thanks!

Plus, those sorts of places don't really allow Pokémon and she wants to celebrate with her team.

That's exactly what she decides to do as she takes a nice soothing bath, finally changing out of her performance outfit she used in the final round.

She puts on a fluffy pair of pyjamas and her boyfriend's old hoodie as she exits the bathroom. She soon walks over to her bed and joins her team as they all position themselves to start their little celebration.

It's not a glamorous celebration at all. Serena's pokemon sit on her bed or just around it, facing the tv as they put on a movie. Snacks litter the bed as her pokemon much away. Serena climbs into bed with a bottle of wine situated on her bedside table. She pours herself a small glass as she settles in to watch the film with her pokemon.

Again, it's not a glamorous celebration by any means, but it's a joyful one for them all to just spend some time relaxing together and bask in their victory.

However, that relaxed atmosphere quickly disappears as she hears a knock on her hotel room door.

Serena sighs and rolls her eyes, if this is Palermo or Aria asking for another interview then she swears that she's ripping her contract up right now!

Begrudgingly, Serena climbs out of her warm bed and makes her way over to the front door. She opens up the door slowly, to be greeted by two familiar faces.

May beams a bright smile as she exclaims "There you are!"

Dawn chuckles a little as she adds "You ran off from the party pretty quick."

Serena sighs as she replies in a worn out tone "Yeah, sorry if I ran off. I just couldn't do anymore interviews after 3 straight hours."

Dawn shakes her head and smiles reassuringly as she exclaims "There's no need to worry Serena, we understand. Interviews take it out of us too."

Serena smiles at the common problem and replies "It's always the same questions over and over again. Like why can't we just do one and every broadcaster uses that. Makes no sense."

May giggles a little at Serena's reaction before she exclaims "It's worse when you win, which is the plus side to coming second I guess. Speaking of which, what are you doing in there to celebrate becoming the best performer in the world."

Serena shrugs her shoulders a little and replies "Nothing much, watching a movie with my Pokémon while eating some snacks. Nothing special really. Just relaxing."

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