Chapter 15: Family Matters

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After their encounter with Gladion, Ash and his friends spend the next few days travelling to the lush jungle and the final island trial on Akala island. One day just before the jungle they decide to stop for a quick lunch. During lunch Mallow's egg begins to glow and hatches revealing itself to be a Rowlet. Mallow hugs Rowlet and says "I always wanted to catch a Rowlet." Rowlet smiles before catching the scent of Mallow's cooking. The owl pokemon instantly breaks the hug before going over to the food and taking a big bite.

Mallow laughs and says "Rowlet you are just perfect you can be a great taste tester for my new recipes." She also adds "I think you will be a big help in the kitchen and will defenitly speed up the process given that your a flying type and can help get ingredients off the shelves." Rowlet smiles and finishes his food before falling asleep. Lillie says "Mallow just so you know baby Rowlets tend to sleep for almost 14 hours a day so don't be too concerned if it constantly falls asleep while in the kitchen." Mallow smiles and says "Sure I'll keep that in mind," before they all set off towards the lush jungle.

After a long journey the gang finally arrive in the lush jungle and find themselves jut outside the trial area. Naturally Ash is super pumped to battle for the grassium z as he pushes open the gates to reveal an arena filled with grassy trees and hedges with a battlefield in the middle of a dense forest. Without needing any invitation Ash walks in and announces "I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet town and I'm here to win the grassium Z"

On the far side of a the battle field stands what can only be presumed as the trial captain. A well built man with a green tint in his dark hair turns around and says "Greetings challenger and welcome to the Lush jungle. I'm the king of cuisine..." He stops mid sentence as his eyes widen and his face is plastered in shock. "Huh Mallow!" He shouts.

Mallow's face lights up into a smile as she shouts "Ule," and runs toward the man, giving him a bone crunching hug that he returns. Ule smiles down at the girl and says "Mallow it's been so long. You look so grown up now. how have you been and what are you doing here shouldn't you be in school." Mallow smiles says "I'm on a school trip of sorts. Ash is taking us on a journey across the the 4 islands to watch his island challenge. So far I have learnt so much and I've had so much fun."

Ule breaks the embrace and places a hand on her shoulder. He smiles and says "That's great I'm so proud of you." Mallow smiles back and says "Thanks Ule, I'm so proud of you to your a trial captain now." Yes that's right." Ule replies. At this point kiawe intervenes and says in a confused tone "I'm sorry to interrupt but the 3 of us are confused. How do you know Ule Mallow." Mallow bows apolitically and says "Sorry I got carried away, Ule is my big brother he has been travelling around the sinnoh region so I haven't seen him in so long."

Ash steps forward with an interested look on his face and says "wow the sinnoh region, so did you take on the sinnoh league." Ule nods and replies "yes that's right I made it to the top 16 but I ended up losing."

"Hey no shame in that there are some really strong trainers in sinnoh," Ash says while thinking back to a certain purple haired trainer he met back in Sinnoh.

Mallow says "so how long have you been back." Ule says smiles at his sister and says "about a month, once I got back I was asked to become a trial captain by the Akala island kahuna Olivia. The opportunity was too good to pass up so I accepted." Mallow smiles at her brother proudly and says "That's awesome, you must have gotten really strong then." Ule chuckles "yeah I'm no pushover." He adds "You also you should know dads new restaurant has opened up 5 minutes up the road. You and your friends should come visit."

Hearing that food is on the table a certain raven haired trainer is instantly sold. Ash says "That sounds awesome if his cooking's anything like Mallow's then we're in for a treat." Ule smiles at his sister and says "So you have been cooking for the group. Very good sis, I am very excited to see how good you have become." Mallow looks a little nervous and says "um sure we could visit but Ash haven't you forgotten about the battle."

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