Chapter 92: The Battle Of Two Champions.

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Two further days have passed by since Ash's world was turned upside down at the talk show, where the world learned who his father truly is.

Over those two days things have been pretty rough to say the least. From the moment Ash found out things have been tough, but at least he's not been alone through any of this.

The passionate love making him and Serena shared was something he needed, just to be in the zone, thinking about just her for an extended period of time. All that did was let him blow off some steam and erase some of the bad thoughts that clouded his mind. It wasn't long or drawn out, not having the energy for that, but exactly what he needed in that moment.

Since then Serena has been his number 1 supporter and the biggest reason why he's mentally sane at the moment. On so many occasions when he's needed it she's shown him the love he needs. She's sat and talked with him for hours about everything when she's needed to, or just let him be quiet and reflect when he needs to have some space.

Ultimately she's been his rock in this situation and made everything better. She's had to stay strong for him and she's done it with flying colours.

But it's not just been Serena who's been there for him. The day after the announcement the two of them made the conscious effort to sneak over to their friend's hotel in person to see them all and explain what's going on from their point of view.

It was right then that the two of them learnt that their friends are all going to be with Ash throughout this troublesome time. Gary obviously already knew about Red long before Ash did so he's got no problem with such a thing.

However, Brock and Misty had no idea, yet they honestly couldn't care less. In fact it was sort of like Serena said it would be, they saw Ash for who he is and not who Red was. Sure they were surprised, but hearing that Ash only found out this information after the Alola league, they could respect him wanting such privacy and not revealing this to anyone else.

His mom was always going to be supportive, but Ash sort of felt bad that he made her feel so guilty about who is father is. The Red Delia knew and the one behind the footage are completely different people as far as she's concerned. But she does understand Ash's hate for the man and does feel bad about how things played out in retrospect.

Ash was quick to tell his mom that it wasn't her fault what happened, and to reassure her that she made the right choices in raising him without the knowledge of who his father was for so long.

Professor Oak was more annoyed that the information got out if anything, already on the case to finding out who leaked such information. Ash honestly doesn't really care at the moment, with who revealed it being irrelevant. As far as he's concerned, it was probably just some over analytic journalist looking for some attention.

Ash and Serena decided to spent that day in Delia's hotel room, knowing she'll appreciate the company with this being a tough time for her too. They spend the day with her doing the usual family things and making a nice big family dinner that brings them all together.

While Serena and Delia cook this feast, Ash spends the majority of his time on the phone to various different people. So far he's spoke to every single travelling companion, all giving him the same encouraging message that if anyone can get through this it's him. Sure some of them are a little surprised he never told them, but they can understand why from his point of view.

He's also spoke to most of his past rivals, except for a few exceptions being mainly his rivals from Hoenn, Unova and Sinnoh, apart from Paul. Those rivals he hasn't spoken to in years though so it's honestly no surprise to him at all.

These conversations are different for sure, but at the same time are good ones to have. Even if some of them like Paul's essentially go along the lines of "Stop being so pathetic and get on with it will you."

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