10K Reads!! Q&A?

489 21 12

This is not a chapter obviously

So we just hit 10K reads on this story.

If you guys don't know already then I set myself a goal to hit 10K by the end of the year.

And we hit it just before the end of April.

You guys are honestly insane and I can't thank you enough for your support.

Everyone who has given this story a chance thank you so much.

The best part is we've still got a long way to go yet.

Now that we've reached 10k I'm changing the end of year goal the 25K.

It's a little more ambitious but I believe we can do it.

So to celebrate I want to do a little Q&A like we did for 1k reads.

I get a lot of questions about this story in my dms so may as well make this public.

You can ask pretty much anything, wether that be about this story, Pokemon in general, other franchises or Wattpad in general.

What ever it is I'll try and answer with little to no spoilers.

Anyway tomorrow the first round of the Alola league should be dropping.

It's a pretty exciting chapter so stay tuned.

Thank you all so much again and I'll see you all soon.

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