Chapter 76: An Amour Christmas. 50K Special

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Hey everyone, usually I'd put in the author's note at the end only but I'm going to put one here at the start as well because I feel like it.

So this chapter is a special amour chapter for hitting 50K and will be Christmas themed.

First things first, I know a lot of you reading won't celebrate Christmas and that is fine. This chapter isn't about the religious side of the celebration, more the commercial and family side that it is more commonly celebrated for today. Don't even imagine it's a religious celebration when you read this because it's really not in this context.

Second thing is, I will be avoiding talking about any current plot points to keep this chapter as spoiler free as possible, so anyone can read it at any point. There are light spoilers if you are a new reader, mostly in how I refer to a character. If you are new and plan on reading from the beginning and want a completely fresh perspective then maybe skip this for now. If you are new and like what you read, then maybe stick around?

Finally, if you enjoy then please vote and comment if you want to see more stuff like this.

So without further ado, author will stop waffling and begin the chapter :)

White snowflakes fall in a sensual manner around Pallet town, gently floating towards the ground before settling onto the sheet of white below that coats the ground this time of year.

The small cosy town of Pallet lays in wait upon a Christmas Eve morning, as frost and snow covers every inch of it to only exaggerate its beauty.

The town lays quite, with not a single whisper to be heard. That is apart from the Ketchum residence, where the spirit of Christmas rears it's head almost immediately as the sun rises.

Ash and Serena have made the decision to do something they both haven't done in years, spend Christmas with family at home. For Ash especially it's quite the change, having spent many a Christmas on the road.

But of course it's not just any normal Christmas, but a Christmas that will be their first of many as a couple.

Inside the the Ketchum house, Serena, Delia, Sylveon and baby Pikachu practically dance around the living room with boxes full of decorations scattered everywhere. In front of them, stands the largest Christmas tree you will ever see in a normal two story house, hitting the ceiling above.

The Christmas tree currently looks a little bare, with only a few basic decorations put on a few branches. However, all that is soon to change with the work the 4 girls are about to do.

You see, Ash and Serena arrived back home late last night, just in time for Christmas Eve. This morning, they took a trip out together to find the biggest Christmas tree they could to put up in the living room. After all, Christmas isn't the same without a tree. In the process, Serena may have gone a little overboard on purchasing decorations to put up around the house as they ended up arriving home with dozens of boxes full of festive fun.

While Ash is out putting up the Christmas lights, Serena and Delia have tasked themselves with putting up the tree, with the help of the baby and her mother.

The two have gotten themselves in the festive spirit with their outfits too. They both wear a set of black yoga pants with big fluffy green socks over the top. They both are wearing Christmas jumpers too, Serena with a cute Fennekin themed one and Delia with a Mime jr theme.

The two of them soon crank up the Christmas music as they practically flutter around the room while putting their decorations up on the tree. Sylveon and baby Pikachu help too, with Sylveon constantly lifting up her adopted daughter to place ball balls on the tree.

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