Chapter 56: The Masterclass Showcase

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After Ash's battle with Diantha, where Infernape made his return to the battlefield to take the win for Ash. Him and the rest take some time to celebrate for a short while, before their attention turns towards Serena's showcase the next day.

On the back of this, everyone turns in for the night. In Ash and Serena's hotel suite, Ash sits on the bed while holding his new Rotom phone up to his ear. Ash is currently on the phone to his mother while she badgers him with her usual set of warnings.

Ash takes a sigh of frustration as he replies in a short tone "Yes mom I know, I'll be supporting her tomorrow so don't worry. The battle today wasn't my priority at all, my priority at the moment is supporting Serena tomorrow."

Delia smiles at her son's words and exclaims "Good, and make sure you don't make it all about you. It's Serena's big day tomorrow not yours Ash. Also, please try to call me more often. Serena finds time to call me more often than you do and she's a busy girl with all her showcase practice. Plus she's not even my daughter. Well, she's not my daughter yet."

Ash shakes his head a little at Delia's constant reminders to support Serena. He knows she's just nervous he'll ruin a healthy relationship, but at the same time he's a little frustrated at his mom's lack of faith in him. Granted she did start this conversation with congratulating him on his victory today which is a bonus.

He is soon snapped out of his thoughts as the door to the room is knocked. Ash raises his eyebrow at the sudden knock on the door, as he explains "I'll try mom. Someone's at the door so I'll call you back later."

Delia let's off a motherly smile as she replies "Okay Ash, take care of yourself."

Ash smiles a little as he remarks "I will mom."

Ash puts the phone down and puts it back in his pocket, before walking up to the door to answer it. He grabs the handle and opens the door up.

Once the door fully opens up, he sees Gary on the other side with a rather serious expression plastered on his face.

Ash raises an eyebrow in suspicion and questions "Hey Gary, what's up? You look like something's happened. Or maybe about to happen."

Gary doesn't change his expression as he exclaims in a serious tone "Is Serena here?"

Ash scratches is head nervously, a little concerned by the sudden question, as he replies "Yeah she's taking a shower, why's that matter though?"

Gary nods and ignores Ash's question as he exclaims cryptically "Good, I'll make this quick then."

Ash finds himself becoming more concerned by the second as he frowns and fires back "Make what quick Gary? What's going on here? Why can't Serena hear about this?"

Gary takes a breath before he explains "Ashy boy, earlier I caught a meeting from the showcase board. They seem like they have some sort of plans to rig the showcase tomorrow. I have a recording of everything I could gather."

Ash tilts his head in confusion of the sudden statement. He shakes that off for now as he questions "Rig it? Why would they do that? Surely it would be in their best interest to have the best performer win on the day. What would they stand to gain from that?"

Gary shakes his head and responds in a harsh tone "You'd think so, but from what I gathered it sounds like they want Serena to win so they can exploit her popularity to grow showcases and make them all a lot of money."

Ash's face is one of confusion as he further questions "Why would they need to rig it? Serena is going to win anyway because she's the best. They're just wasting their time."

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