Chapter 96: Strange Encounters

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It's been a week now since Ash and Serena have returned home to Pallet town from the indigo plateau and everything has been going well to say the least.

They've both settled back into everyday life almost seamlessly and are back to their usual routine of how things should be for them. They are back to living life together how they were pre the shenanigans of the indigo league.

Instead of waking up with the stress of an ongoing league running through their minds, they get to wake up exactly how they want to with sweet loving words and kisses being delivered to each other every morning.

After that they are both back to training as religiously as they were before the indigo league, knowing there is still so many improvements the have left to make if they want to reach the top.

After training it's back home to clean up and then they get to spend their day doing whatever they want really. Life has been good, it's been peaceful for a change. It's been almost too peaceful in a way, almost missing the chaos that is a journey.

However, they can't deny that the team rocket news has been playing in both their minds a little. The threat is certainly out there and they have both been keeping their eyes peeled. Straight after their meeting, they reported everything they could to the police and the champions of the world. Although, they left out the bit about how they got this information or the fact that they spoke to three former team rocket members at all.

Speaking of which, the old rocket trio have now settled into life in Pallet town and have started enjoy a more peaceful life. Serena was certainly right about the community in Pallet town who have all been fair to the trio and given them a chance to fit in with their community. Sure they were a bit perplexed about the talking Meowth but so is everyone at first. As long as the three don't step out of line they'll have no problem calling this place their home.

Jessie has now signed a contract to become a professional performer after verbal negotiations with Aria and Serena. She's signed a fair contract but nothing too much. Neither Serena or Aria want to give her too much too fast with her being an ex convict and all. As for Jessie, well she's not really got a leg to stand on considering how badly she needs the funds. She has to accept what she's given and build up trust to get a better deal in the future. As long as she hits certain conditions written within said contract, she'll have no problem achieving that.

James and Meowth have also started the basics of their food business. Nothing too much but the wheels are already in motion with Ash filling trademarks and such to get them started.

Things have been pretty peaceful and happy for everyone, with the amour couple staying as close as they were at the indigo league just like they promised. They've still been the unofficial married couple they promised to be much to both their delights. They've been sweet with each other and loving, acting the same way they did in that house. Well without all the things they'd only do in the private of their own home.

However, today is going to be a little different when all things are considered. Today is the day the couple return to Kalos so Serena can fulfill some of her Kalos queen contractual obligations. The timing of such a thing is pretty convenient she must say, with it being a downtime between leagues and all. Plus Kalos is so close to Galar that they can make their way over there as soon as this is done. She's actually extremely excited to put on some performances after taking a break since the indigo league semi finals. Plus she's got that photoshoot to look forward to as well.

Right now, Serena is just finishing up on a few things before her and Ash head over to the airport. The usual packing and making sure she's got all the essentials they'll need for flying. Meanwhile, Ash is heading over to professor Oak's lab to go and collect his pokemon, as well as say goodbye to the rest before heading out to Kalos for a week. After that he's straight off to Galar so it's definitely good to say goodbye now because he probably won't get the chance later.

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