Chapter 38: Semi Final Showdown!

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A few hours after the quarter final matches: Ash Serena, Kiawe, Lillie and Mallow are all sat round a camp fire late at night on the beach. They sit around a campfire on two separate logs. Kiawe, Lillie and Mallow sit on one log while Ash and Serena sit close together on the other. Serena rests her head on her boyfriend's shoulder while he pulls her close with his arm draped around her shoulder.

We join the conversation as Ash asks "So Kiawe, what are you going to do now?"

Kiawe smiles and replies "Well I'm planning on watching the rest of the battles and supporting you of course. You've been a great mentor to me Ash and I owe it to you to see out the rest of this journey."

Ash smiles at his friends compliment and exclaims "Thank you Kiawe, I'll be doing my best for the both of us."

Mallow nods and remarks "And of course we'll all be rooting for you too."

Ash smiles, feeling happy with the backing of his friends behind him and responds "Thanks guys, I appreciate all your help."

Serena tilts her head up towards Ash and questions "So Ash, what's your strategy going to be to beat Hau tomorrow?"

Ash thinks for a second and doesn't really have a true answer. He's not actually thought too much about how he's going to approach the battle with Hau. He tilts his head and says in a tentative manner "Hmmmm, I'm not sure. I guess I'm just going to be stronger."

Lilie smiles and exclaims in care free manner "You've  got nothing to worry about Ash. You've beaten Hau everytime you've faced him, what's the worst that could happen?"

Mallow smiles and exclaims "She's right, Kiawe is much stronger than Hau and you beat him easily so why should this be any different. Even the media is saying his will be an easy battle."

Ash raises his eyebrow and reaches into his pocket to pull out his Pokédex. He looks at the news feed and sure enough there is a tone of articles about his upcoming battle with Hau. The odds makers have him as the heavy favourite to win. There are many articles describing this battle as the easiest battle he's ever had at a semi final stage. A lot of articles stating that this is Ash's easiest and last chance to win a Pokémon league.

But it's the last article that catches his eye. The article describes Hau as the worse pokemon league semi finalists since Cameron. The same Cameron that Ash lost too. He was slated for that lose at the time. Imagine the abuse he'd take if he lost this one too. The pressure building on the young raven haired trainers shoulder is only building.

Ash puts his Pokédex away and looks a little angry as he clenches his fists. He grits his teeth and states "That's the problem, all the pressure is on me. It's a free hit for him. I need to win this, everyone expects me to. If I lose I'm not sure I'll get another chance. There's no other way to put this. I have to win."

Serena can sense and feel that Ash is really tense. The way he's moving and the tone of voice he's using definitely aren't like the Ash she loves. She sits up and with a concerned look asks "Ash, are okay? If something is bothering you then please talk to me."

Ash knows Serena is right. Something is bothering him but he's not actually sure what and why it is. All his problems look a little silly when he really thinks about it. He's a strong trainer, he should have nothing to worry about. Looking at the concern on Serena's face, Ash decides it would be best to wash away her concern and lie. He smiles and replies "It's nothing Serena, don't worry." Serena smiles back but clearly she's faking it. She knows deep down something is affecting her boyfriend's mental state and she intends to find out why.

Kiawe interrupts the little awkward situation and states "Anyway, we should get some rest. We've got another big day ahead of us tomorrow."

They all agree and say their goodbyes and head to their respective homes.

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