1K Reads !!

825 17 18

So I'm sitting at my desk at work waiting for a customer to call back when I remembered I posted a chapter last night so decided to check how it was doing.

So I clicked on my reading list and I was gobsmacked.

We reached 1k reads in about 3 weeks 🤯

I know it's not much compared to some Pokémon stories who have nearly a mil but I don't care it's an achievement none the less.

Honestly thank you so much to anyone has voted, commented. Added to a reading list or even opened up a chapter it means so much.

I had a target at the start of this month to hit 500 reads by the end of this month so the fact we hit 1k its pretty surreal.

Originally I had planned a special movie chapter for 1k but we've hit it so early that there's no way I could fit it into the story right now.

Instead I'd like to turn this thank you into a small Q&A.

I know so original 😴

But i think it would be nice for you guys to ask any question you may have.

So feel free to ask anything wether it's about the story so far, future plans, myself, pokemon in general or any other media then feel free to ask.

Thank so much once again and I promise Ash vs Hala will be out this week.

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