Chapter 77: Lost at Sea

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A few days have passed by since we last saw the amour couple. The Christmas rush and new year celebrations have been complete, and they are now back on the road as they prepare for the upcoming indigo league.

The league itself is only a week or so out at this point, and Ash's full focus is on making sure he's fully prepared as is the rest of the team.

The last few days, the gang have been taking turns to suggest different training methods and locations to train. Brock went first, taking the gang to a mountainous range to toughen them up by training at such high altitude. The rock and ground type Pokémon certainly enjoyed this activity, given the conditions.

Serena went next to have her own training camp with Ash and the others. She decided to keep things in her lane and took them to a contest hall. She spent the day helping teach Ash's Pokémon and him how to be more efficient with their movements, like a dance, and teaching them some contest techniques which they can use in battle. While Ash already knew how to contest battle, seeing some potentially innovative ways he can use his Pokémon's moves certainly got the blood pumping.

Today is Misty's turn to take charge of training. So far, what she wants to train and where there going is a complete mystery to everyone. All they know, is it involves water type Pokémon and they are heading somewhere just off the coast of the orange islands to train.

As the gang walk, Ash raises an eyebrow and questions "Misty, you couldn't have taken us somewhere closer to home? We're going to spend more time walking than actually training at this rate."

Misty frowns slightly at Ash's impatience as she exclaims "Well, if you want to train in the best possible places then you need to be willing to travel and not be so impatient. You used to be fine with travelling so far until you became so loved up."

Ash rolls his eyes slightly as he mutters "Maybe the real training is putting up with you."

Misty scowls at the raven haired boy as she shouts "When are you going to grow up!"

Ash shrugs his shoulders and casually replies "When you finally find a guy who likes you."

Brock and Serena share a look and a small knowing sigh. This sort of conversation is pretty  common between Ash and Misty, usually only escalating from there into even more of a fight.

Serena decides to step in and stop any potential confrontation as she politely questions "Misty, I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining but how much further away are we? My feet are starting to ache that's all."

Misty looks back at the honey blonde Kalos queen with a small appreciative smile as she replies "You should take notes from your girlfriend Ash, that's how you ask a simple question without sounding like a whining 10 year old. To answer your question Serena, we'll be there in literally a few steps.

As Misty says that, the route they are currently walking on opens up and leads into a massive open sandy beach.

Upon seeing the location for today's training, Brock raises an eyebrow and questions "A beach is where you wanted to train today?"

Misty nods and replies with a small smirk on her face "That's right Brock, a beach is the perfect place for a water type trainer to base herself. If Ash's water types want to get stronger, these are the type of places they have to visit.

Ash sighs a little at Misty's point as he rolls his eyes a little and exclaims in a mocking tone "Really Misty, a beach? We walked all this way just to come to a beach. First off, it's literally freezing today and you want us to go to a beach!? Second thing, there is literally a beach 10 minutes away from Pallet town so why in Arceus's name have you made us trek to a beach in the middle of nowhere!? I could have stayed in bed, cuddled in with Serena longer if you just decided to be sensible."

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