Chapter 43: Charizard vs Reshiram

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Ash looks back to who has just saved him as his face beams into a smile. What he sees could be described as a trusted partner with two life long friends on his back.

Ash shouts with a hint of amazement in his voice "Now way, it's Charizard, Misty and Brock!"

Charizard roars and swoops down from the sky, landing in front of his trainer. Ash pets his old friend and exclaims "Thanks for the help buddy, what are you doing here though? I thought I told you to stay at the lab."

Chairzard rubs the back of his neck nervously as his trainer questions his appearance. Brock climbs of the fire types back and defends "Charizard saw you were in trouble on the TV and thought you could use a hand."

Misty nods and adds "Naturally we thought the same. Thankfully we saw Charizard flying over head and he offered us a ride to Alola."

Ash smiles at his first ace pokemon and remarks "Thanks Charizard, I'm glad you came over here to help." Charizard let's off a happy roar as his trainer pets him under his chin.

Ash smiles, seeing his Pokémon happy before he turns towards his first two travelling companions. He looks them both in the eyes and exclaims in a humble tone "Thanks for your help again. You know I appreciate you two and everything you've done for me."

Brock smiles at his younger brother and replies "Of course Ash, we know that."

Misty nods and adds "Ash we know you'd do the same for us if we were in this situation. It's what friends are for."

Ash does his signature fist pump and states "Of course I would, I owe you two so much." The three Kanto natives smile at each other and begin to feel a wave of nostalgia come over them. In truth it's been a long time since they last met up like this. With all 3 of them pursuing their own goals it's been a while since they had the opportunity to speak like this. They set out on their journeys when they were just kids but now their all grown up. They stand here now as: A champion, a successful pokemon doctor and one of the strongest water type trainers in the world. They certainly have come a long way.

Unfortunately their reunion can't last forever as Ghetsis shouts "Enough taking! I will not be ignored by mere peasants. Reshiram use blue flare." Reshiram takes a deep breath before exhaling a colossal blue flame towards Charizard.

Ash shakes his head and shouts "Charizard dodge it." Charizard nods and takes off into the night sky as he avoids the incoming flames.

Ghetsis stamps his staff against the floor and shouts "Again!" Reshiram let's off a massive roar before firing off another massive beam of blue flames.

Ash extends his arm forward and commands "Charizard, dodge it again and then use dragon claw." Charizard nods and flies left, right, up and down. He constantly dodges the incoming beams of blue flames with immense skill and speed. He lets off a loud roar as he extends his green glowing claws. He flies forward and moves out of the way of another blue flare before slashing Reshiram with his claws a few times. Reshiram cries out in pain and stumbles back in pain.

Charizard flies back and let's off another mighty roar. Both fire type lock eyes with competitive looks, it's obvious that both these pokemon want to test their strength against each other.

Ash looks Charizard and knows exactly what he needs to do. He puts a serious look on his face and shouts "Charizard, I need your power now to take on Reshiram. You want to battle with me right?"

Charizard looks back at his trainer and nods. He feels an excitement build up inside as he prepares to battle alongside his trainer again and take on a foe as powerful as Reshiram. These are the type of battles Charizard has trained so long for and he doesn't intend to disappoint.

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