Chapter 2

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"Gideon, did the Monitor give you a similar headache that he gave me?" Sara asked the ship's AI as she booted up.

"Yes Captain Lance. I am now fully updated with information from the new timeline, including your new background story and I have to say, in this new reality, I hardly recognize you." Gideon said and Sara chuckled, since she'd gone through her new memories and she couldn't help but agree, since it felt like she was a completely different person in this reality.

"Tell me about it." Sara said.

"Wait, what? How different are we talking?" Ava asked, now curious by her now fiance's, she loved that Sara was now her fiance, reaction.

"In this reality, before she was an assassin, Captain Lance was studying to be a doctor." Gideon said as Ava's jaw dropped at that.

"Gideon, why don't you regale us with my new life story, since honestly, I have the memories of it and I still can't believe it." Sara said, since she was still having a hard time believing that there was a version of her that had ever been so straight.

"Right away Captain. It would appear that your timeline is fairly the same, though I will note that you did not have any criminal escapades and you were not on the Queen's Gambit when it went down." Gideon said.

"So Laurel won't be pissed at me, since I'm assuming that she's still alive in this reality." Sara said hopefully, since while she was happy that Oliver was still alive, but she wanted to see just how far this would go.

"Indeed, and so is your father." Gideon said and Sara grinned.

"Then it looks like Laurel won't hate me when I show up, since I never slept with her boyfriend in this reality, though that didn't stop me from still having the same terrible five years I lived through while Ollie was on Lian Yu." Sara said.

"What does that mean?" Ava asked.

"It would appear that just like how Mr. Queen's five years away after the Queen's Gambit went down was a fixed point in time, it appears that so is Captain Lance's journey to becoming a Legend, meaning that those moments could not be changed, time simply found a new way for them to happen." Gideon said.

"What happened?" Ava asked.

"In this reality, I was spending a semester abroad in Europe when the Gambit went down, studying for med school when I was abducted by that asshole Anthony Ivo, since he felt that someone of my experience would be useful to him. After that, everything else is pretty much the same. Right Gideon?" Sara asked and Gideon nodded.

"Indeed. After she was abducted, Captain Lance still meets up with Oliver Queen on Lian Yu and fights Slade Wilson before being saved and recruited by the League of Assassins." Gideon said.

"Which is where the last change in reality occurred. The last new memory I have is of Ra's al Ghul releasing me from the League after seeing how conflicted and divided I was between my ability to kill and my desire to show mercy. It's the same reason he released me from the league in 1960. The League has no place for someone so divided. Plus, I'm pretty sure he only accepted me into the League as a way to test Nyssa, to see if she was strong enough to let me go. And knowing her, she likely failed that test. But that's something I'll worry about after we wake Rip up and take the ship to the present, since we both know that it will be taking the place of its counterpart on the new world once we get out of the Temporal Zone and who knows when and where that will be in the timeline." Sara said.

"I have actually completed my calculations on that and I think you'll both be happy to hear that we'll be landing in Liberty Colorado 1896." Gideon said and Sara grinned.

"Good, because I could use some old western alcohol and maybe a good old fashioned bar fight before I beat Rip up before I lock him up in his own brig. Speaking of which Gideon, I want to reset your override code, since that's something we clearly should've done the last time we tried to hold him prisoner." Sara said.

"I will walk you through the process as we make the jump." Gideon said.

"Good. And in the meantime, start fabricating some western wear." Sara said.

"I already have Captain." Gideon said as Sara and Ava took their seats in the cockpit and Sara hit the thrusters so they could return to the real world and reassemble their team.

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