Chapter 16

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"Are you sure I look alright?" Ava asked her fiance for the tenth time as she looked at her reflection in the mirror at the blue dress she was wearing and she had her blonde hair down.

"Ava, you look fine and I still say that you're too dressed up for dinner with my family." Sara said, rolling her eyes as she checked her watch.

"It's not just dinner Sara. It's me meeting your family for the first time. I just want to make a good impression." Ava said.

"Ava, trust me, the fact that you got me to settle down will make them love you." Sara said.

"Maybe. But still." Ava said.

"Ava, trust me, they will love you almost as much as I do." Sara said.

"I'm just curious, did your dad ever like any of your previous relationships?" Ava asked.

"Well the only two significant ones I had besides you were Oliver and Nyssa, so I'll let you be the judge." Sara said.

"You know that doesn't really help." Ava said, knowing how Quentin felt about both Oliver and Nyssa.

"Trust me Ava, he will love you and if he doesn't, I will beat him up until he does." Sara said.

"Or, you could just remind him of how I've pretty much been the one constant in your life since he died.' Ava said, since she'd been the one to provide Sara a shoulder to cry on at her father's funeral.

"No. I told you Laurel and I both decided that it was best that my dad does not remember the old reality. I need you to please respect that. Remember the cover we came up with." Sara said, making it clear that this was not up for discussion.

"Okay." Ava said and if Sara hadn't had turned away from her, she would've seen the worried expression on her fiance's face.

"Gideon, Ava and I are heading out for dinner at my dad's and I'm putting you in charge. I do not want you to allow this ship to even leave the ground while we're gone." Sara said, since she did not trust the kids anywhere in the timeline that she and Ava were not.

"Understood captain. Should I put the ship on lockdown Captain?" Gideon asked.

"No, they can leave the ship, but the ship does not leave this time period until Ava and I are back on board. Am I clear?" Sara asked.

"I'm disabling the time drive now, Captain." Gideon said.

"Good." Sara said as she took Ava's arm and led her off the ship.

Sara took a deep breath before she knocked on the door of her father's apartment and smiled when he opened the door, a big smile on his face.

"Sara, welcome home again and you must be Ava." Quentin asked, though Sara couldn't help but feel like her father was just acting, but she didn't know why.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Lance. Sara has told me so much about you." Ava said.

"And I can't wait to get to know my future daughter-in-law, but first, Sara, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" Quentin asked.

"Yeah, sure." Sara said, wondering what that was about as she let her father lead her into the currently empty kitchen.

"So, when were you going to tell me that you've actually spent the past few years training with the League of Assassins?" Quentin asked his daughter.

"What are you talking about?" Sara asked, wondering how her father could possibly know about that, but then she remembered how tense Ava had been the entire drive over here and suddenly the pieces fell into place.

"Damn it Ava. I told her I did not want you to remember the old reality." Sara said angrily, since it was clear that Ava had gone behind her back and used Ray's memory gun on her father.

"Sara, I'm glad that she did it, since you should know better than anyone what secrets and lies have done to our family. Besides, now I remember that both of my daughters are heroes and now you won't have to lie to me about where you're going to be and Laurel won't have to lie to me about being the Black Canary." Quentin said and Sara sighed.

"I know, but Laurel and I wanted to keep you away from this life. We never wanted you involved in it. We both chose this life." Sara said.

"And so did I. Besides, now I won't waste my time hunting Oliver down after he becomes active." Quentin said.

"So you're okay, even though you remember a world where both Laurel and I died?" Sara asked, needing to be sure that her father was okay with this.

"Yes, I am. Especially since now I know how to prevent it, including making sure that if that son of a bitch Darhk ever shows his face in this city again, to shoot him on sight." Quentin said.

"No, if he shows up, tell Ollie. We both know he's the only one who can kill Darhk, since he's the only one who can resist his magic. But dad, just as much as you don't want to lose Laurel and I, we don't want to lose you either. I need my dad to walk me down the aisle, since while Ava is in trouble for going behind my back with this, it's not a deal breaker, since I know her heart was in the right place." Sara said.

"I promise, I'll try to make sure that my death does not come any time soon, but at the same time, you know parents are not supposed to outlive their children right. So make sure I don't." Quentin said.

"As long as I get Ollie to promise me that he will put Ricardo Diaz in the ground the first chance he gets." Sara said, since the thing she hated Diaz the most for was that he was the reason her dad died and she did not want to go through that again.

"I'm sure that's already on his list." Quentin said.

"So, we should probably let Laurel and Felicity know that you know the truth and I need to tell Ava that she is sleeping in the study tonight for going behind my back." Sara said, since she had to punish Ava in some way, no matter how good her intentions had been.

"Yeah, let's go." Quentin said as they went out to rejoin the group.

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