Chapter 25

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Time Master Druce walked into the cell block that Vandal Savage had come to call home.

"How are you feeling today Mr. Savage? Are you feeling more agreeable?" Druce asked him.

"You're making a big mistake holding me here." Savage said.

"Quiet before we initiate the Omega Protocol on you." Druce said.

"You're bluffing. No matter what you've done, your top goal is to preserve the timeline and we both know that removing me from it at any point would have drastic consequences considering how much I've already shaped." Savage said and Druce glared at him, though Savage was right. They couldn't kill him or erase him from the timeline in any way without risking all of history coming undone.

"Why are you so obsessed with keeping the timeline the way it is?" Savage asked.

"We do not seek to control time to our own ends, our role is to ensure that the timeline remains intact and in doing so, making sure that humanity survives." Druce said.

"Then why do you care if I was trying to kill those hawks?" Savage asked, though he knew that Druce was deluding himself. All they cared about was power, but unlike him, they deluded themselves into thinking that their cause was something noble.

"Because they don't belong in this timeline. I don't know how they got here, but they're not the only ones or the only problem. Somehow the 21st century is becoming immune to the Oculus. We can't control it anymore. That's the other reason we pulled you out. Until we can find a way to stabilize our control of the timelines, we cannot risk anyone taking you out before you can lead humanity against the Thanagarian invasion." Druce said.

"How sure are you that it will still happen?" Savage asked.

"Every calculation we've run on the new timeline confirmed that the invasion will still happen." Druce said.

"Not that it will matter if I can't replenish my energy." Savage reminded him.

"And we think we found our solution that will both keep you busy and allow you to increase your power." Druce said.

"How so?" Savage asked, interested.

"The Hawks you attempted to kill are not from this reality and we've determined that the only explanation is that the multiverse has been accessed earlier than we expected. But across the multiverse, there are countless versions of Khufu and Chay-Ara for you to slaughter. You can travel the multiverse and increase your power and also discover more technology to help you establish your power so that when you return, you'll be more than ready to prepare for the threat of the Thanagarians." Druce said.

"I admit, I'm intrigued, but how would I travel the multiverse?" Savage asked as Druce opened his cell.

"Follow me." Druce said as he led Savage out of the cellblock and into one of the hangars to reveal a time sphere.

"A time sphere?" Savage asked.

"One that we've modified for your use. In addition to using the temporal zone to travel through time, you can now use the sphere to use the zone to travel through the multiverse as well." Druce said.

"Why not a time ship?" Savage asked.

"We can't be too conspicuous. Besides, we don't exactly have any to modify, since when the Captains went rogue, they took nearly every ship we had and the ones we still have need to remain in this universe." Druce said.

"I suppose it will do for now." Savage said, since he was sure that he'd be able to find something that would be a bit more suitable to his needs during his travels.

After Druce showed Savage how to switch the time sphere's travel systems from chronal to universal, he watched as Savage opened the multiversal breach and flew the time sphere into it and into another universe.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? What if he doesn't come back?" Declan asked Druce as he approached his superior.

"I've already reached out to a source on Pliny X19. I believe that the resident there should be able to solve all our problems." Druce said and now Declan understood.

"You don't expect him to come back do you?" Declan asked.

"Nor do we need him too. I'm going to head to Pliny X19 to discuss everything. I want a location on Hunter and his fellow traitors by the time I return." Druce said as he headed to his own personal time craft to head into the time stream.

Don't worry, Savage will return eventually, but this is just set up for something much larger later on in this series that I will not be spoiling. Feel free to guess though.

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