Chapter 30

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After spending a few more hours going over the plan, though, Sara still hadn't told anyone but Ava about her secret mission during the planning session, since she knew they'd try to talk her out of it, since it was very risky and she could tell that Ava still wasn't happy about it, but Sara knew that her plan was their best option to avoid anyone on their side getting killed.

"I still think this plan is risky." Ava said, speaking about Sara's secret plan, not that the others knew that.

"I know, but we don't have a choice. This mission is way too important, since we can't launch a war blindly." Sara said.

"Just remember, it's not only our wedding you need to worry about, in case you've forgotten, you're gonna be an aunt in 9 months and I'm not going to be the one to tell your dad or your sister why you died before you get to meet your new niece or nephew." Ava said.

"Wait, Laurel's pregnant?" Ray asked Sara, who nodded.

"Yeah, that was unexpected, but not unwelcome and I swear if any of you do anything to jeopardize the existence of that kid, your place in the timeline will become much less secure when I remove you from it myself." Sara threatened, making it clear to the Legends that messing with her family in any way, but particularly this way, would not end well for them.

"Don't worry, we won't do anything that messes with your family. None of us have that much of a death wish." Ray said, since they all knew that Sara was not kidding.

"Yeah, now let's go over our infiltration plan again. We've already agreed to enter the Vanishing Point at different locations to avoid drawing attention. Rip, you and Gideon have already determined the ideal locations." Sara said and Rip nodded.

"Yes. Sara, you will enter the Vanishing Point near the Oculus Wellspring, Dr. Palmer and I will emerge near the data core to begin establishing a link to the omnimatrix mainframe that we can use to access the system from here. Mr. Snart and Mr. Rory, who's decided to tag along, will portal out near the time council chamber to establish bugs there so we can keep better tabs on the time council and finally, Ms. Darhk will portal out near the hangar to sabotage any attempts at following us should we be discovered." Rip said.

"I still think this plan is way too risky and we're risking too many key players." Ava said.

"I selected the people with the best stealth skills, since Rip and Mick both know the layout, Snart and I are both highly trained in stealth, me from my time with the League and Snart from being a thief, Ray's suit allows him to get by without being detected and Nora's magic can conceal her. Though hopefully our disguises will hold up." Sara said, since she, Rip, Snart, Rory and Nora were dressed as guards in the Vanishing Point while Ray was wearing his suit.

"Wait, what if the time masters are monitoring our communications?" Ava now asked.

"That's a good point. Considering everything that's happened, we need to consider the possibility that the time masters are monitoring all internal and external communications from the Vanishing Point." Sara admitted.

"That's why Gideon, Jax and I rigged up a special communication frequency that the time masters shouldn't be able to detect." Ray assured them.

"Let's hope it works. Especially since I have a different mission in mind for the rest of the team." Sara said.

"And that would be?" Nate asked.

"Taking the Pilgrim out of play." Sara said.

"Who's the Pilgrim?" Behrad asked.

"The Time Masters' most elite assassin and sadly, one of the few followers we couldn't recruit, since she's too loyal to them." Rip said.

"Her objective is to kill a time criminal by killing their younger selves. She nearly erased the OGs from the timeline back when we first formed." Sara said.

"So now you want us to hunt her." Nate asked.

"We can't leave her unaccounted for." Sara said and the others nodded.

"I still want to run point on the recon mission, Nate can lead the others on this." Ava said.

"Ava, I know you're worried, but I need you to focus on leading the Pilgrim mission, since you're just as skilled as I am, which means that you're the best one to lead the team through it. Especially since I need Adrianna and Behrad to find a way to bypass the Pilgrim's chronokinesis so we stand a chance against her." Sara said.

"They should head back to the 21st century and see if Grey can help them out." Jax said and Sara nodded in agreement.

"Do it. Now let's get moving." Sara said.

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