Chapter 21

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"Sorry for the delay, I had to bail Jax and Nate out of the drunk tank. And you wonder why I don't visit more. I literally cannot leave the ship without basically letting the inmates run the asylum" Sara said to Lyla as she arrived at the Argus prison that Snart and Rory were now being held in.

"I understand. And according to what Laurel's told me, I'll be seeing a lot more of you though, since she already told Team Arrow that you're engaged." Lyla said and Sara smiled.

"I am and yes you're invited even if you weren't Dig's plus one." Sara said.

"I never thought I'd see the day that the infamous Sara Lance actually settled down and got married." Lyla said.

"Please, I might be getting married, but there's no way in hell I'm ever settling down. At least not for a while." Sara said.

"So, no talk about kids yet?" Lyla asked, slightly teasing her friend.

"Please, Ava and I both agree that the Legends are our children with the way they act. No way we're thinking about anymore kids until the current ones are all grown up." Sara and Lyla chuckled.

"From what I've heard, are you sure you want to wait for something that might never happen?" Lyla said and Sara chuckled.

"Fair point. Now, speaking of kids, where are the last two?" Sara asked, or at least, the last two in this time period, since they had another pick up to make in the year 2042.

"Follow me." Lyla said as she led Sara to a holding cell where she found Snart unconscious and Mick was just standing there, looking bored, until he saw Sara and his expression immediately shifted to one of annoyance and she could tell that he remembered, since she remembered what Novu had said about crew members on the ship before Crisis and that had included Mick.

"What took you so long?" Mick asked and Sara just chuckled, since that confirmed it.

"I thought that you'd be happy, since I let you live like a criminal again before I brought you back to an almost decent life." Sara said with a smirk.

"And I would've if I didn't have to remember that I wasn't so bad. Which sucks by the way. I was perfectly happy being an arsonist and a criminal. Now I feel kind of respectable." Mick said angrily and Sara chuckled.

"Blame the Monitor for that. But what happened to your partner?" Sara asked, referring to Snart's unconscious body.

"I got tired of listening to his questions about who that guy is and why I don't seem so out of control anymore. I figured it would be easier to keep him out until you found a way to give him a brain dump or something. Speaking of which, how are you going to tell him about you and Ava?" Mick said, since he knew how his partner felt about his captain.

"I'll turn his own gun on him if he tries to get between Ava and I. Besides, he's the one who blew himself up before we could take things any further than the one kiss we had at the Oculus and no we're not going for a repeat, since honestly, I'd kind of like to turn it into a more permanent base for us, since all of us living on the Waverider wasn't exactly ideal." Sara said.

"True. And from what I remember when I was Chronos, the Vanishing Point should be more than large enough for all of us and any time pigs Rip decides to recruit. But can you please get us out of here? It's been way too long since I've had a beer." Mick said.

"I thought that you'd be happy that you got to kick Snart's ass again?" Sara asked with a smirk, though she did gesture for Lyla to unlock the cell anyways.

"Oh I am. I'd forgotten how good it felt to kick his ass." Mick said with a smirk and Sara chuckled as he was let out of his cage and she went in to drag Snart's unconscious body out of the cell.

"A little help?" Sara asked as tossed Snart over Mick's shoulder.

"Let me know when you have a date set for the wedding so Johnny and I can be there. Also, did you hear that Barry and Iris are engaged again?" Lyla asked.

"Hadn't heard it yet. Hopefully this time their wedding will happen a bit more smoothly." Sara said.

"Yeah, kind of glad John and I missed that, since I was out of the country and John was still on the bench because of his injury." Lyla said.

"Anyways, I'll see you soon and Lyla, remember what I told you about Argus. Try and make it a better organization than it currently is." Sara said as she opened a portal using her time courier to get herself, Mick and Snart back to the ship.

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