Chapter 13

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"I have to admit, I was surprised when I got your call." Lyla said to Sara as she walked up to Sara in the warehouse where Sara was waiting.

"This can't wait. I need two favors from you and they're big ones." Sara said.

"Well Sara, you helped bring back the entire Universe, so I'd say that entitles you to any favor you want, though you have to remember that the world doesn't know about that. Which reminds me, when you get your costume in this reality, you should have Cisco add a mask, since I have a feeling that you'll be helping Team Arrow out from time to time." Lyla said.

"Already on my list. But that's not why I asked you. The first thing I need is a prisoner transfer for one Leonard Snart and one Mick Rory from Iron Heights so my team can recruit them." Sara said.

"Done. And I'm assuming that the other favor involves General Wade Eiling?" Lyla asked.

"How did you know?" Sara asked.

"Because I think you'll be very interested to know that as of this morning, Wade Eiling is now sitting in military prison, since Cisco and Caitlin provided me with enough information about his experiments on Grodd to give me cause to obtain a search warrant and to no surprise, I found enough to put him away for life for illegal experimentation." Lyla said and Sara smiled.

"Thank you. I'm sure Jax will be thrilled about that. Also, do me one more favor and make sure that your brother-in-law is actually dead, because I just got my sister back and there's no way in hell I'm losing her again." Sara said.

"Don't worry, we are already looking into that." Lyla said.

"Good. Because if he isn't dead yet, you need to start working on fixing that. Or at least capturing and interrogating him for intel on Hive. I don't care which one, as long as it eventually ends with his death." Sara said and Lyla nodded.

"As long as someone else besides Johnny is the one to pull the trigger, since I saw what it did to him." Lyla said and Sara nodded, since honestly, she didn't care who pulled the trigger, as long as Andy Diggle would never be able to help threaten her sister again.

"Anyways, do you know where Ollie is right now?" Sara asked.

"Why, so you can beat him up for dying?" Lyla asked in amusement.

"You really think that I of all people have the right to be mad at him for dying when honestly I've lost track of how many times I've died. No. I just need to see him alive with my own eyes." Sara said and Lyla nodded.

"I understand." Lyla nodded.

"Let me know when the prisoner transfer happens so my team can hijack it." Sara said.

"Or even better, you guys can be the ones who do the transfer." Lyla said.

"I'll let Nate and Ray handle that." Sara said and Lyla nodded.

"Yo, this place is dope." Cisco said after Ray time couriered him into the Waverider's lab.

"I bet your lab looks cooler." Ray said with a smile as he and Cisco bro hugged.

"True, but still, this place is awesome. I never got a chance to fully enjoy it the last time I was on board because of Crisis and the time before that, it was earth x nazis." Cisco said.

"Fair enough. But anyways, we brought here for a reason." Ray said as Jax joined them.

"Jax." Cisco said as he hugged his old friend.

"Hey Cisco. Grey sends his regards and once Eiling is locked up, I'm sure he'll make contact." Jax said.

"Well, that shouldn't be long, since Caitlin and I ratted him out to Lyla earlier this morning. He should be locked up soon if he's not already." Cisco said.

"Great, but the reason we called you here is because in this reality, I'm a solo firestorm, but the matrix is only semi stable. We're hoping you can help Ray find a way to fully stabilize it." Jax said and Cisco nodded.

"Please tell me the Professor at least gave you all the data he has on the matrix so that I don't have to start from scratch." Cisco asked.

"Yep, it's right here." Ray said as he handed Cisco a tablet.

"Okay, I think I see the problem here." Cisco said after a few minutes.

"And that is?" Jax asked.

"That Stein had to work with limited resources. Based on what I can tell from this data and from that shotty suit he built you, you're missing one key component. The quantum splicer. Once you get that and it's configured to your needs, it should stabilize the matrix in you permanently and luckily, Caitlin and I have been preparing for this, since we've already started building the splicer. I'm sure if I bring it here, Ray and I can finish it easily." Cisco said.

"And while you're at it, I could use your help finishing my Atom exosuit, since I have some ideas for upgrades to it." Ray said and Cisco nodded.

"And you know I'll be more than happy to do that." Cisco said as Ray opened up another portal for him to use to get the splicer prototype.

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