Chapter 26

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When Druce arrived on PlinyX19, he found his contact waiting for him.

"Is it done?" Druce asked as one of the most brilliant minds in history, a man who simply called himself Bishop, approached him.

"Yes and I appreciate you sending me all that data about the subject beforehand. It made it much easier for me to properly replicate him." Bishop said.

"And you made the necessary adjustments?" Druce asked.

"Thanks to the mnemonic archive you gave me, yes. I was able to make the necessary adjustments. This new and improved version of Vandal Savage will now play out his story, exactly the way he's supposed to. No more deviating from your rules." Bishop said.

"And you solved his little mortality problem I trust?" Druce asked.

"Of course. Though I admit, it did require a little creativity even I didn't know I possessed, but it worked." Bishop said.

"And that would be?" Druce asked.

"I tampered with his DNA a bit with some desirable traits from Thanagarians and previous DNA samples of Hawkman and Hawkgirl that you provided me with earlier, I was able to modify his cells so that his immortality will be maintained without needing to kill them every few centuries. Quite ingenious if I do say so myself and of course, I do." Bishop said and Druce rolled his eyes.

"And he has no idea he's not the real Savage?" Druce asked.

"Not as long as you don't turn him on before you return him to his natural place on the timeline. Otherwise, he'll get suspicious. However, since you asked for an exact replica, that means that he also has the same physical weaknesses as before. You just need to hope that no one he fights ever discovers that. Though with the Hawks removed from the timeline, that shouldn't be a problem." Bishop said.

"Good. In that case, you'll receive your money and we'll go our separate ways. Though I can't help but notice some of your newer experiments." Druce said, looking over the plans of DNA structures he saw on Bishop's computers.

"What can I say, this little endeavor inspired me. Don't worry, right now this is all theoretical, since it'll take me a while to work out all the bugs and kinks, since what those plans are go way beyond what I did for Mr. Savage. Speaking of which, here's his on button and you can use it to update his mental programming in case you decide to add any further tweaks. His entire life story is loaded into his subconscious, so he'll play it out perfectly. Though it helps that his destiny was premade." Bishop said and Druce nodded.

"As promised, you've earned immunity from our prying as long as you don't disrupt the flow of time." Druce said.

"Good. And who knows, maybe my work will someday benefit you. But for now, give me my money, take your package and please leave me to my work." Bishop said and Druce nodded, thinking about how the only reason he hadn't conscripted Bishop to work with the Time Masters was because of the impact he had on history. He was risking the timeline enough by doing this, but it was necessary. Which was why he went over to the stasis pod that contained the Savage clone as he headed to his ship and headed back into the temporal zone to begin the trip to first plant this Savage clone back into the timeline before he returned to the Vanishing Point to coordinate the attack against their rogue captains.

Rip Hunter grinned from the bridge of the cloaked Acheron, grateful that Sara had transmitted the schematics for the upgraded cloaking tech that the Waverider had to protect it from the time masters and the oculus, as he watched Druce enter his ship.

"Do we have a visual on Druce?" Eve Baxter asked him.

"Yep. I don't know why he'd leave the safety of the Vanishing Point, but it will be his downfall. The moment his ship enters the temporal zone, we take him out." Rip said and she nodded.

"Gilbert, do you have a lock on Druce's time ship's signature?" Eve asked.

"Yes captain and I'm bringing the weapons systems online now as we speak." Gilbert said.

"Excellent. Also, send a signal to the Waverider. Hopefully they'll be ready to rendezvous with us." Rip said.

"Right away sir." Gilbert said as they watched Druce's ship enter the temporal zone.

"Do you have a lock on target?" Eve asked.

"Waiting on your command." Gilbert said.

"Fire." Rip said as the Acheron fired every missile and laser onboard at Druce's ship and hit him dead on, sending his ship crashing out of the temporal zone.

"Track that ship. We need to make sure that we can secure Druce and whatever it was he was transporting." Rip said.

"Assuming they survived the crash." Eve said, though agreed that they needed to sanitize the crash site to prevent anyone from discovering the tech.

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