Chapter 7

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When Sara and Ava arrived at the address Gideon gave them for Ray and Nora's apartment, they were surprised to find Ray and Nora sitting in front of the TV, but it looked like their bags were already packed.

"Okay, what's going on here?" Sara asked as Ray noticed her.

"Sara, what took you so long and before you ask, J'onn visited both of us a couple of days ago, so we had time to get things in order here. Including finding someone else to take over Palmer tech and sell this apartment." Ray said and Sara rolled her eyes.

"I should've guessed. Well, at least you're both already to go, it makes our lives a lot easier, but Ray, please tell me you built your suit already, otherwise moving your stuff to the ship will take hours." Sara said, look at all the bags.

"Actually, since a lot of this is my gear, I'll be storing it in my own magical pocket dimension." Nora said.

"Wait, what?" Ava asked.

"Wait, did Gideon not give you guys the rundown on our lives?" Ray asked.

"Her link to the Oculus was severed to avoid the Time Masters tracking us since we're no longer under they're control, so she didn't know." Sara explained.

"Makes sense, but anyways, in this reality, Nora is a real world Winchester." Ray said.

"Wait, what?" Ava asked.

"In this reality, instead of being raised as a faithful member of my dad's stupid plans, I saw the light earlier and jumped ship the first chance I got." Nora said.

"So you have no clue where your father is now?" Sara asked.

"No and believe me Sara, if I knew, I'd tell you, since I have just as much of an interest in finding him that you do, though maybe not for the same reasons." Nora said.

"Why?" Sara asked.

"Because after I ran away from my parents, I wound up in the care of Natalie Logue." Nora said.

"That name sounds vaguely familiar." Ava said.

"She was John Constantine's ex and she's also the mother of the girl John damned to hell." Nora said.

"Right. Astra." Sara said.

"Anyways, this was before Astra was born, Natalie took me in because I had inherited magic from my dad, so she taught me how to control it and eventually, I decided to be the opposite of my dad, using my magic for good and I eventually took after Constantine, only I prefer to use light magic over dark and yes, it's a bit ironic considering my last name, but I didn't want to be a monster like my dad. But I did commit to trying to bring my father down so that I could either appeal to the good in him, since no matter how much you hate him Sara, you can't deny that deep down, there is a little bit of good in him." Nora said.

"I'll never believe there's good in your father. He killed my sister and crippled one of my closest friends. He wiped out an entire city. He's a monster and if I'm ever in the same room as him, I don't care if you're there, I don't care if you hate me for it, I am going to kill him. As long as Oliver doesn't beat me to it." Sara said and Nora could tell that she'd never be able to talk Sara out of killing her father, not that she could blame her.

"And that's the other reason I've been hunting him, so that if I couldn't get through to him, I could at least be the one to kill him with the very power he gave me. I spent years traveling the world, hunting down every single demon, monster and Hive Agent who might know where my dad is. That's what brought me to Ivy Town and that's where everything changed." Nora said.

"Because you met Ray." Ava said, since that honestly sounded a bit like her and Sara.

"Yeah, when I met Ray, I was planning on leaving all this behind. Magic, hunting, my dad all of it. But then the demon I'd been hunting here found me and you'll never guess who it was." Nora said.

"Why?" Sara asked.

"It was Neron. Somehow my dad managed to spring him from that cage without letting all those other creatures loose and made a deal with him. In exchange for tracking me down and helping him with his plans, Neron would get all the souls that were claimed in Genesis and I think we know why he'd want that. All the fear Genesis would create." Nora said.

"He wants to use Genesis as his play for the throne of hell." Sara said.

"Yep. Only perk of that deal is that it means that Neron can't kill me without breaking it, and we all know what happens when demons break their deals." Nora said.

"So, I'm assuming Neron is how Ray got pulled back into this?" Ava asked and Ray looked down.

"Yeah and once again, I screwed things up for Nora, but luckily, Neron didn't make me his host again." Ray said.

"What happened?" Sara asked as Nora took a deep breath.

"Neron realized that as long as Ray was in my life, I ran the risk of never returning to my dad's side, so he decided to remove the problem by killing Ray and revealing my past in the process. But since Ray's still here and I know Sara is an avid Supernatural fan, I'm sure you can guess what I did." Nora said.

"You sold your soul to Neron?" Sara asked.

"Yeah I did. My powers were rusty after going so long not using them, so I couldn't bring Ray back myself, so instead, I trapped Neron and made a deal with him. In exchange for Neron bringing Ray back and promising not to kill him again, Neron would get my soul when I die a natural death, which also gives him power over my father." Nora said.

"Nora." Sara said, though honestly, she would've done the exact same thing for Ava in that position.

"I don't regret what I did. Besides, it was thanks to that demon that I was finally able to open with Ray about who I really was and after that, he decided he'd help me get my soul back and take down Neron and my dad, so yes, he does have his suit." Nora said.

"Gideon told us you guys are married too?" Ava asked.

"Yeah, I hope that won't be a problem." Ray said.

"Of course not, especially since Ava and I are going to be joining you soon, even though we don't have rings yet." Sara said.

"Wait, what?" Ray asked, thinking he'd misheard.

"Yeah, I woke up on the Waverider in this reality where Ava was waiting for me and the first thing I did was propose to her." Sara said.

"Wait, you, Captain Sara Lance, the White Canary, actually proposed?" Ray asked.

"I know. The old me never would've even considered the possibility of marriage, but the old me never met Ava Sharpe." Sara said as she kissed Ava's cheek.

"Well in that case, congratulations and I'd like to be the one to perform the ceremony." Ray said.

"Done. And Nora, I promise, since we're going to be stopping Neron anyways, we will do everything we can to get your soul back." Sara promised and Nora smiled.

"Thanks. But anyways, lets get everything onto the ship so we can round up the rest of the Legends? Is Rip waiting for us, since I'm assuming he already knows?" Ray asked.

"While Rip does know about the old world, he's not on the ship. He's at the Vanishing Point, running recon and trying to convince the other time masters to rebel against the council of bastards." Sara explained and Ray nodded.

"Let's get going, since we still have a lot of stops to make." Ava said and they all nodded as they started getting bags together.

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