Chapter 6

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"Gideon, before we start recruiting, there's something I need to know and I think you already know what it is." Sara said, since she needed to know her family's future, since if there was even a chance that she could lose them again, well, then she didn't give a damn about history, she was going to save her family. Even if she had to destroy the entire timeline to do it.

"According to my scans of the timeline, both your father and you sister live long, fulfilling lives, especially since now Mr. Queen knows how to keep them from dying." Gideon said and Sara sighed in relief, since she didn't need to know their whole life stories, since she believed that some things were better left as surprises, she just needed to know that her family would be safe.

"Let me know if anything happens in any way that jeopardizes that. I finally got my sister back, I want to know if and when anything happens that causes her to die before her natural time." Sara said.

"Of course Captain Lance. In the meantime, I have determined locations for most of the other Legends." Gideon said.

"Dr. Palmer and Ms. Darhk currently live in Ivy Town, Dr. Heywood is currently in Keystone City, Mr. Rory, along with Mr. Snart, is currently locked up in Iron Heights prison in Central City." Gideon said.

"No surprise there and we're definitely recruiting both Snart and Mick this time around." Sara said as she looked over at Ava, who'd joined them.

"What, you think I have a problem with you bringing your former crush onto the ship? From what you told me, you and Snart only flirted and you didn't kiss until right before he died. I have no problems with him, beyond maybe telling him not to waste his time trying to make a move on you. Just like how I have no problem with you being friends with Oliver Queen, mainly because I know that's a dealbreaker, but at least he's not on the ship all the time. Now if you were inviting Nyssa al Ghul onto the ship." Ava said and Sara could tell she was messing with her now.

"Very funny. But Nyssa has no place on a timeship, so you don't need to worry about that. Anyways Gideon, what about the others?" Sara asked.

"Jax is currently in Anchorage Alaska, where he's been living with Professor Stein's family and both Behrad and Zari Tarazi, since we all remember her time with the Legends now thanks to the Monitor, are currently in Seattle, 2042." Gideon said.

"What about Constantine and Charlie?" Ava asked.

"I'm uncertain if you truly want to bring Mr. Constantine back into the fold, since I believe that Ms. Darhk would fill his role quite well. As for Charlie, for whatever reason, I cannot seem to locate her at this point in time." Gideon said.

"That makes sense, we haven't released Malice from his cage yet, which means Charlie's still stuck in it. Which reminds me, once we get the Time Master thing handled, we should start looking for a way to spring her, along with most of the other creatures in that prison, since the only ones that deserve to be in there are Malice, Neron, Tabitha, the dragon Constantine killed and unicorn. The others are relatively harmless." Sara said and Ava nodded in agreement.

"So, which of the kids are we going to round up first?" Ava asked.

"Ray and Nora and I think you know why." Sara said.

"You want to know if Nora has any idea on where her father is." Ava said.

"Right now he's gone so far underground even Gideon can't find him right now, but I'm hoping that Nora has some information, since while I know that Oliver can more than handle him if he has too, but honestly, I'd rather kill him myself." Sara said.

"You know you need to be careful about that. If you kill Darhk at the wrong time." Ava said.

"I know. That's why I'm limiting the search to the 21st century. It's the only time period where killing Darhk a little early won't do too much damage to history, since by that point, it was really just setting up the final pieces, like building the Ark. Aside from that, killing him won't actually affect much." Sara said.

"And you really think Nora will help you kill her father?" Ava asked.

"I don't know, but we have to try. Even if she doesn't know where her father is, at least this way we can keep her safe from him, since it sounds like in this reality, she's already all grown up." Sara said.

"That is correct Captain. Shall I set a course for Ivy Town?" Gideon asked.

"Yep. Let's get going." Sara said as she and Ava strapped in.

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