Chapter 4

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"Well, that was fun." Sara said as she and Ava finished off the last of their attackers, thoroughly trashing the saloon in the process.

"And this took way longer than it should have." Ava said, looking at her fiance.

"Hey, excuse me if I wanted to savor the first bit of fun I've had in the past month." Sara said.

"And you're way too drunk to fight at regular speed." Ava said.

"I thought that was obvious." Sara said, not at all sorry about the amount of liquor she'd drank, though she had a feeling that she'd be regretting it tomorrow when her buzz wore off, but it would be worth it.

"Seriously Sara, it's like you're trying to get caught." Ava said.

"It's like you're forgetting the plan. Speaking of which, I'm surprised that we haven't been approached by a certain fake cowboy yet." Sara said.

"Maybe he knew this was a trap, since we were kind of obvious." Ava said as Sara put on her comm.

"Gideon, any sign of Rip on your end?" Sara asked.

"No Captain, but then again, that's not surprising due to the fact that surveillance technology doesn't exist in this century." Gideon reminded her.

"Fair point. But do you have anything?" Sara asked, right as she felt a hand on her shoulder and she whirled around to see the very person she was looking for standing in front of her.

"I'm assuming it's me you're looking for." Rip Hunter said.

"Yep and now that I've found you." Sara said as she proceeded to knock Rip out.

"I wanted to do that." Ava complained.

"You'll get your chance. Come on, let's get him back to the ship so Gideon can keep him sedated until we can find someone to restore his memories. And by someone, I mean J'onn J'onzz." Sara said.

"That won't be necessary." Gideon said.

"What do you mean?" Sara asked.

"I mean that when Mar Novu gave my systems an upgrade, it wasn't just my memory core he upgraded. He also upgraded the ship's cognitive intrusion tech with memory restoration capabilities, meaning that I can restore Captain Hunter's memories back on the ship." Gideon said.

"Perfect. Let's get out of here and Gideon, get a hangover cure prepared for me, since I'm gonna need it tomorrow." Sara said.

"Right away Captain." Gideon said as Sara got off the comms.

"Okay then, let's get back to the ship before the time bastards realize that we're no longer following their script." Sara said, since she couldn't explain it, but for some reason, she felt like she was now immune to the oculus's ability to control her.

"Yeah, let's go." Ava said, honestly relieved that Gideon could restore Rip's memories.

After they got Rip set up in the med bay, Sara got the cognitive intrusion device set up.

"Gideon, can you walk me through setting this up?" Sara asked, since even though she was technically a doctor in this reality, tech wasn't her specialty.

"Of course Captain." Gideon said and Sara smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" Ava asked Sara.

"Just about the fact that having used this machine myself once, I know this is gonna hurt and he deserves it." Sara said as she placed the spike into the back of Rip's neck to establish the link.

"Sara, I know he was a jerk who deserved the punch, but now?" Ava asked.

"Are you forgetting that while he was the Legion of Doom's boy toy, he killed me during the American Revolution?" Sara asked.

"Fair point. Proceed." Ava said, since even though she knew that Rip hadn't been responsible for her actions back then, that didn't stop her from being annoyed at him, especially since the guilty party was beyond her ability to kill.

"Okay Gideon, are we set?" Sara asked.

"Yes, shall I begin the memory restoration process?" Gideon asked.

"Do it and wake Rip up when you're done, but can we jump now, it's only a matter of time until the time masters find us." Sara said.

"Beginning the process now, but you don't need to worry about the time masters, because my memory systems were not the only things upgraded. The ship's cloaking technology was also upgraded to the point of cloaking us from the Time Masters, even if they use the Oculus, which is good, since we can't risk jumping until the process is complete." Gideon said as they watched Rip begin to twitch as the memory dump began as they watched him begin to remember the truth about everything, including who they were and the truth about his bosses.

When the process completed, Rip's eyes shot open as he took in his surroundings.

"Sara, Ava, it's good to see you both." Rip said with a smile, which both women returned.

"You too Rip." Sara said, honestly happy to see her old friend again.

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