Chapter 5

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"So, it sounds like you no longer fit the criteria that the original Legends when I recruited you." Rip said after he'd been filled in on everything that had happened since his death.

"Considering the fact that I'm the paragon of destiny, I'd say I'm now one of the most important people in history, since if it weren't for me and the other paragons, none of us would be standing here right now." Sara said and both Rip and Ava rolled their eyes at her attitude.

"Anyways, I'm assuming you have a plan?" Rip asked and Sara nodded.

"Yeah and it starts by accomplishing the mission you originally created the team for. Since I have a feeling that we're no longer following the time master's script." Sara said.

"That would be correct, Captain. Somehow, the restoration process also makes those who receive it immune to the Oculus's ability to control time. However, I do not believe that extracting Miranda and Jonas from the timeline at this very moment is the wisest move." Gideon said.

"Neither do I since, right now, the Time Masters haven't put a kill order out on them yet. Removing them from the timeline now would just paint an even bigger target on their backs then there already is. However, while you two round up the rest of the Legends, I'm going to head back to the Vanishing Point." Rip said.

"Why?" Ava asked.

"Because a majority of the Time Captains like Captain Baxter were innocent. They were just as in the dark about the Oculus and time masters as we were. No need to wipe them out. Especially since the time masters were always more effective at dealing with timeline threats than the time bureau was. No offense Ava." Rip said.

"Yeah, I have to take Rip's side on that one. The Time Masters certainly weren't as stingy about rules as long as they got the job done, not to mention the fact that they didn't have a crappy pantsuit requirement. Again, no offense." Sara said to her fiance.

"None taken, you're right. Trust me, as soon as you helped me develop a personality beyond what Rip programmed me with, I was wondering how I could get rid of the uniform requirement, but since it was a government organization, it was kind of necessary." Ava said.

"Just another reason why you're different from all the other Ava clones. Since they never interacted with the Legends, they were never given the opportunity to develop their own personalities beyond the factory defaults. Though I can assure you that I won't be creating any more of them." Rip promised.

"Good. Because I don't care how many clones there are in 2213, Ava is one of a kind and if you even think about getting another clone of her again, I will kill you." Sara said and Rip had no doubt that she meant it and he understood why.

"Trust me Sara, I have no plans on it, and not just because I know that you're serious about killing me. It's because part of what made Ava so productive and so genuine is that she was able to form a real connection with someone, which helped you become more human than the others." Rip said.

"Sara gave me a reason to think that maybe the rules aren't always right." Ava said as she kissed Sara's cheek.

"Anyways, I'm going to the Vanishing Point so that I can try and find proof of the time council's hypocrisy so that I can turn the rest of the time masters against them. Essentially start a rebellion." Rip said.

"Or a civil war. I like it. We'll round up the rest of the Legends and then meet up with you. If you do manage to turn the other captains to our side, don't stick around at the Vanishing Point, you'll lose. We need to coordinate an actual strategy to take them down. Have them scatter across the temporal fragmentations to keep the time masters off your trail, but plan to rendezvous with us in Salvation. We're going to head there after we finish recruitment." Sara said and Rip nodded.

"And by the way, congratulations on your upcoming nuptials." Rip said, since he'd figured out that Sara and Ava were engaged, even though neither of them were wearing a ring yet, he wanted to congratulate them.

"One of the only reasons why I didn't punch you harder is that if it weren't for you, we never would've met, since Ava would still be a mindless clone and I'd still be a vigilante consumed by a bloodlust." Sara said.

"I agree. The only good thing you've done for us is that you brought us together. Even if we hated each other when we first met." Ava said, since she knew she was a hardass back then and it wasn't until she began spending more time around the Legends that she began to loosen up and become an actual human beyond her job.

"I appreciate that. But anyways, I'm going to take the jumpship, I'll see you in Salvation." Rip said as he headed out.

"Let's start recruiting." Sara said and Ava nodded in agreement.

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