Chapter 33

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After the scouting team returned to the Waverider, Sara was surprised to find an additional person waiting for them.

"Gideon?" Sara asked, since she recognized Gideon's human form from her little trip inside Rip's head.

"Indeed Captain Lance. Mr. Tarazi, Mr. Jackson and Dr. Palmer decided that I was due for an upgrade of sorts. I must say, I do prefer this form to just being a talking head. Even if the face lift Ms. Tarazi gave me the old timeline as a nice upgrade." Gideon said and Sara smiled, not even bothering to hide the fact that she was checking Gideon's hologram form out, since she was hot.

"You're lucky Gideon's a hologram and an AI, no matter how advanced she is, or else I'd be jealous that you're checking out a woman who's not your fiance." Ava said with a chuckle.

"I don't think you're one to judge Captain Sharpe, since if I recall, didn't you offer some rather interesting ideas for modifying my hologram form?" Gideon asked with a smirk as Ava blushed.

"I'm gonna need that list later. But for now, Nora and I have some news regarding how our mission went at the Vanishing Point. But first, what about the rest of you?" Sara asked.

"Piece of cake. Snart and I were able to plant the devices on all the remaining time ships without being detected, not that there were many left." Mick said before Snart could say anything.

"I expected as much. Rip, Adrianna?" Sara asked.

"See for yourself." Adrianna said as she typed a few things in the console before Gideon suddenly spasmed.

"Gideon, are you okay?" Jax asked her.

"Yes, apologies, my system was just updating itself from Dr. Tarazi activating the malware link she planted in the Vanishing Point's systems. I'm now completely linked to their system and they have no idea." Gideon confirmed.

"Good, then bring up surveillance footage of the Oculus. What Nora and I discovered is something that needs to be seen to be believed." Sara said.

"Right away Captain." Gideon said as an image appeared and Ava, Mick, Nate, Adrianna, Behrad and Ray all looked shocked by what they saw, though it wasn't quite as significant to Rip, Jax or Snart.

"Is that Charlie?" Ray asked.

"Yep. It looks like they're using her to somehow power the Oculus, which means that she likely didn't tell us the truth about who or what she is when we recruited her." Sara said.

"I'm sorry, can we back please back up a bit. Who is this Charlie person and while I'm concerned that they're using her to power the Oculus, I'd like to know why she's so significant to you." Rip said.

"Right, I forgot that she's after your time. Remember our crazy plan to free Mallus from his prison so we could kill him?" Sara asked.

"Considering the fact that I sacrificed my life because of that, yes, I remember." Rip said.

"Well, Mallus wasn't the only thing being held in that prison and when we opened the cage, everyone inside it got out. Including Charlie. But she wasn't truly dangerous, just misunderstood. Constantine made her mortal, but not before she shape shifted into Amaya to guilt us into not sending her to Hell. After that, she joined the team to serve as our consultant with the creatures and she also helped us realize that not all of them are evil, which is why we are going to look into ways to let the good ones out without letting the bad ones out." Sara said.

"Whatever it was I felt when I got close to Charlie, that was way more powerful than just a shapeshifter. I don't know what it was, but it was old and powerful. Like nothing I've ever felt before." Nora said.

"More powerful than your father?" Sara asked.

"Makes him look like a carnival magician. I don't know what she is, but whatever it is, the Time Masters are using her to power the Oculus." Nora said.

"Which makes taking it out a bit more complicated." Ray said.

"Someone else is handling that job this time, I'm not doing it again." Snart said quickly.

"No one's asking you to. Geek team, I want you guys to go over the schematics of the Oculus that we now have and determine the best way to disable it that won't set off an explosion that destroys the entire facility. Nora, I want you to go through your research on magical creatures, see if you can figure out what the hell Charlie really is so that we can have a better idea of what we're dealing with, while the rest of us starting using these schematics to prepare our attack on the time masters to take them out, since we're getting close to the end game now. For once, we're actually going to make sure this is done right instead of just rushing in blindly and hoping everything works out, we need to get this right." Sara said and they all nodded, since this wasn't some escapade or mission, but this was a war and wars had to be taken seriously.

"I agree. We need to make sure that we plan this out right." Ava agreed with her fiance.

"Okay guys, let's get to work." Sara said.

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