Chapter 35

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As the rest of the Legends did their jobs to prepare for the fight that was coming, Snart couldn't help but feel displaced. The Legends had clearly evolved to not need him anymore. Even Sara and Mick, the two people on the crew that he'd been, for lack of a better term, the closest with, had changed and probably more than the others, though the only other Legends he knew were Palmer and Jax, since Nate, Adrianna, Nora and Ava had all joined after he'd died.

Sara had grown from the reckless party girl and out of control assassin he'd originally known into a responsible and disciplined leader and a loving fiance with a woman that she loved more than anything. And the only one who'd changed more than her was Mick. He was the one who'd changed the most. The Mick he'd known most of his life was a wild, unpredictable animal who only lived to watch the world burn. But now, Mick seemed different. The wild animal in him was gone. He still had his obsession with fire, but now it was more controlled, more focused. He seemed more like a human being and while he clearly still had his wild side, now he seemed more willing to follow orders. Or at least depending on who gave him the orders, since while Mick had rarely done anything Rip had said, he followed Sara's orders without question.

Honestly, it felt like all the Legends had changed without him and he didn't really see where he fit in with them anymore. He couldn't help but wonder how much he might've changed if he hadn't died.

"I'm not used to you being so quiet. Even though it's been years, I can still hear your drawing voice making snarky comments every chance you get." Sara said as she walked up to him.

"Sorry, I've been thinking about how much everything's changed since I died. I'm not sure if I still fit in with this crew anymore." Snart said.

"You're not staying with the Legends are you?" Sara asked him knowingly.

"How did you know?" Snart asked.

"Because I'm the captain and it's my job to know and honestly, I've been waiting for you to work up the guts to tell me." Sara said and Snart chuckled.

"You're really not the same Sara I first met back on that rooftop." Snart said and Sara chuckled.

"I had to mature to be a captain." Sara said as Snart caught her looking at Ava.

"Not to mention you can't get married if you're still that rash young woman I used to know." Snart said.

"Yeah, I have to admit, if you'd told me way back when that I'd not only be engaged, but to a former government employee, I'd have said that you were crazy." Sara said.

"Yeah, I still think you are crazy for getting married." Snart said.

"Some of us find people worth growing up for. After all, we can't stay kids forever. Especially considering how many people on this ship still have to grow up." Sara said with a chuckle.

"Mick's already grown up a hell of a lot." Snart noted and Sara nodded.

"He's changed a lot. After you died, he struggled for a while before he finally found acceptance with the Legends and truly became one of us." Sara said.

"And how many times did he betray you?" Snart asked, knowing his partner well.

"I've lost track, but he's come a long way since then. He's one of my most trusted friends and a very valued member of the Legends." Sara said.

"Damn, I never thought I'd see the day that Mick Rory no longer wanted to see the world burn." Snart said.

"I think he realized that if the world burned, there'd be nothing left for him to steal from it." Sara said.

"Probably." Snart agreed.

"So, are you leaving now?" Sara asked and Snart shook his head.

"No, I'm a man of my word, so I'll stick around until the Time Masters are no longer an issue, but after that, I think I'm gonna leave to figure things out for myself." Snart said and Sara nodded.

"I get it. We've all had times where we needed to step away." Sara said.

"But you realize that I'm likely not coming back after that." Snart said and Sara nodded.

"I know. When you originally joined the team, we needed you and you felt needed. But now you've kind of lost your place. It's the same reason Rip's staying with the other Time Masters. He knows that while he'll always be a Legend, he doesn't exactly have a role now that he's no longer the captain." Sara said.

"Please tell me things go better with you in charge?" Snart asked and Sara grinned.

"Well, we definitely do things differently now, since we do things team style instead of letting Rip plan everything out." Sara said.

"I do want to hear stories before I go." Snart said and Sara nodded.

"And you'll get them. But I am glad that this time around we'll be able to accomplish what the Legends were originally formed for." Sara said.

"Saving Rip's wife and son." Snart said, since the one thing he'd always respected about Rip was his dedication to his family.

"Yeah. Something we couldn't do in the old timeline because of the Time Masters, but now they've already relocated to a secure location that only Rip knows for their safety." Sara said.

"Good." Snart said.

"Now, stop sulking and let's get to work. Oh, and I don't care what you're doing, you're still attending my wedding, Legend or not, since I've already told Rip and Stein the same thing." Sara said, making it clear that was not up for discussion.

"Aye, aye Captain." Snart said as he and Sara got back to work.

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