Chapter 18

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To say Captain Baxter was in shock was an understatement considering what she'd just seen. Despite her best instincts, she'd given into the questions Rip had given her and had gotten her ship to take her to a place called the Oculus Wellspring, which she found was a secret location hidden to the far side of the Vanishing Point where no captain had ever gone. There she'd found proof that Captain Hunter was right. The Time Masters were frauds. They were controlling time. And now she understood Rip's desire to go rogue and now she was actually thinking about doing the same thing.

Which is why she was currently sneaking back into the detention center to find Rip waiting for her.

"What took you so long?" Rip asked.

"Sorry, I was gathering proof that I could use to sway the other captains, since I'm assuming that you came back here to expose the truth." Eve said and Rip nodded.

"Yes. And essentially start a civil war between us captains and the Time Council, since they won't relinquish power willingly." Rip said.

"I'm aware. And I'm assuming that you have a plan to keep us all from being captured?" Eve asked as she let him out.

"We scatter throughout the fragmentations until we have time to plan a proper attack, while also gathering any possible allies across the timeline, since I guarantee that the Time Masters will be doing the same." Rip said and Eve nodded, since that did make sense as she handed him his revolver and duster.

"Thanks." Rip said.

"What's the plan?" Eve asked.

"We get to your ship, and have Gilbert broadcast your proof to every time ship, since from could tell, all the other captains are currently on missions aren't they?" Rip asked.

"They are. And we can use the emergency frequency to send a message to the other ships without alerting the Time Council." Eve said and Rip nodded in agreement.

"Let's get out of here before they realize I'm not in my cell." Rip said and Eve nodded as they made a break for the Acheron.

"That was way too easy." Rip said as they made their way to the Acheron and time jumped away.

"In all likelihood, the Time Council was expecting me to break you out and take you to your ship and lead them to it." Eve said and Rip nodded.

"But we're not. Have Gilbert keep us on a random course throughout the Temporal Zone, the faster and more dangerous the better. Quick, random jumps that can't be traced." Rip said, since unlike the Waverider, which he knew had been upgraded to be cloaked from the Oculus, the Acheron was not, so they'd have to improvise until Ray and Jax were able to upgrade the rest of the fleet.

"So we're not heading straight for a fragmentation?" Eve asked.

"No, we need to create enough of a trail to keep the time masters busy pursuing us until we can find a way to cloak the ship from it. Which should be easy once I can contact the Waverider, since its cloaking tech has already been upgraded to conceal it from the Time Masters, so we'll just need to replicate it." Rip said and Eve quickly got the message to drop it as she gave Gilbert the order to do what Rip said.

"Course locked in. I suggest that you brace yourself." Gilbert said.

"Have you disconnected us from the Omnimatrix mainframe?" Eve asked.

"Yes Captain. I've severed my link to the Vanishing Point's computer systems and I've connected to the emergency frequency and ensured that only other time ships can receive the transmission." Gilbert assured them.

"Good. Commence jump and let's send our message. Upload this footage now." Eve said as she plugged the drive containing the information she'd gathered about the Oculus while Rip recorded a message.

"To all Time Captains, this is an urgent message from Captain Rip Hunter and Captain Eve Baxter. We have all been deceived by the Time Council. We have discovered that they are not interested in protecting time, but rather controlling it. The footage acquired from Captain Baxter proves that they are using a device called the Oculus to control the timeline to their own benefit. They don't care about protecting history like we were told. The time has come for a change. If you agree, complete your mission and then head to a random fragmentation to hide from the Time Council until you are contacted with a proper plan." Rip said as the message was sent.

"Now we wait and hope that it works." Eve said, right as they began getting responses.

"I guess it did. Let the revolution begin." Rip said as they saw how quickly how many of their fellow captains were pledging their support. They just hoped that the time council wouldn't intercept the transmissions.

"Let's go." Rip said and Eve nodded as they headed for a fragmentation themselves to await the Legends joining them.

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