Chapter 34

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"Nate, can I help you with something?" Nora asked the man who should've been the best man at their wedding approached her.

"I was wondering if you needed any help with research, since that's always been more my speed than what the others are doing and something tells me you could use an extra hand going through all the information you have and as your husband once said, research is kind of like my second super power." Nate said and Nora smiled.

"I can't deny that would be helpful, though you don't exactly know enough about magical creatures to help." Nora said.

"I helped John out with his research back when we were hunting monsters. Also, I'm surprised that we haven't looped him in yet." Nate said.

"I asked Sara about that. But she felt that my experience in this reality covered his, plus I fit in better with the team than he did, especially since I'm not that stupid fairy godmother anymore." Nora said.

"I thought that you were starting to like that gig?" Nate asked.

"That was back when I'd spent my childhood growing up in a demon cult." Nora reminded him.

"Fair point. But still, I feel like I'd better be better suited for library duty rather than going over tech schematics or battle plans." Nate said.

"That much I agree on and I could use an assistant. You sure your girlfriend won't get jealous?" Nora asked her.

"As sure as you are that your husband won't be." Nate said and Nora nodded.

"Ray and Adrianna are both techies, so while they're working together, it makes sense that we do too." Nora said.

"So, am I in?" Nate asked.

"Yeah, come on." Nora said.

"Why aren't we heading to your room?" Nate asked.

"Because I keep it somewhere else." Nora said as she walked over to one of the storage room doors.

"Check this out." Nora smirked as she placed her hand on the door, causing it to glow a gold color before it opened to reveal a huge cabin-like building.

"What is this place?" Nate asked as he looked around, once again in awe of magic.

"A little something my mentor Natalie Logue taught me. I based it off the cabin she basically raised me in after she took me in. And I keep a lot more than just books here. Downstairs I basically have a zoo of magical creatures that I keep here to protect from the outside world, since they're a lot like the creatures stuffed in Malice's prison with him. It's basically a more humane version of what the Time Bureau was doing, since thanks to magic, even enclosure simulates each creature's natural environment. It keeps them safe and happy and over time, they forget that they're even captured. It keeps them safe from people like Constantine would just assume is a threat and send to hell." Nora said.

"Does Ray know about this place?" Nate asked.

"Who do you think tried to name the creatures like zoo animals?" Nora asked with a smile.

"Okay, let's get to work. The sooner we find out what the hell Charlie really is, the sooner we can rescue her." Nate said and Nora nodded, right as she noticed one of her artifacts glowing.

"No, it can't be." Nora said as she rushed over to it.

"What is that?" Nate asked.

"It's one of the most powerful artifacts I keep in here that I stole from my father. It's one of three pieces of the loom of fate." Nora said as she showed Nate a glowing gold ring.

"That's a piece of the loom of fate. A ring?" Nate asked.

"I thought you would've learned that looks can be deceiving. Based on what I've discovered since I recovered this, one of the fates went rogue and decided to give humanity free will and destroyed it. This ring is the only surviving piece of the loom that anyone's been able to find. And by the way it's reacting, I have an idea on how to find out exactly what Charlie is." Nora said.

"Okay." Nate said, wondering what was going on.

When they arrived in the lab, they found the geek squad hard at work.

"Mind if I borrow Gideon for a second?" Nora asked her husband.

"For what?" Ray asked, seeing the ring in Nora's hand, since while he'd seen it in her collection before, she'd never told him what it was.

"Gideon, access the Vanishing Point's feed of the Oculus and get me an energy reading off Charlie and also scan the energy signature of this ring. I want to see if it's a match." Nora said.

"Right way Ms. Darhk." Gideon said.

"What are you trying to do?" Adrianna asked.

"That ring is a piece of the loom of fate." Nate said.

"And its energy signature is almost identical to the one Charlie is generating to power the Oculus." Gideon said.

"That confirms it. Charlie's a fate and if I had to guess, her real name is Clotho, since from what I've gathered, Clotho was the one who destroyed the loom, plus both of their names start with a C." Nora said.

"Which one is Clotho?" Nate asked and it was his girlfriend who answered that.

"She's the spinner. The youngest of fates and the maker of threads. She was the one who spun out people's life threads." Adrianna said.

"Okay, we are definitely confronting her about not telling us sooner, but for now, let's go let the Captains know." Nate said and Nora nodded.

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