Chapter 14

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"Well Jax, how does that feel?" Cisco asked as he attached the completed quantum splicer he and Ray had just finished onto Jax's chest.

"Honestly, I feel much better. Like the matrix is finally stabilized." Jax said as he felt like a weight had been lifted.

"Gideon, can you run scans on Jax to confirm?" Ray asked.

"Right away Dr. Palmer." Gideon said as she then proceeded to scan Jax.

"Well Gideon, what's the verdict?" Jax asked.

"As you said, it appears that the quantum splicer has fully stabilized the firestorm matrix inside your body. You can now use the matrix to its full potential, even without it on, though that is not recommended." Gideon said.

"That's fine, I don't need to use my powers without the splicer anyways." Jax said.

"Now, one last thing. You know I need to make you a better suit right?" Cisco asked, since he knew that Marin had done the best he could with Jax's current suit, but it honestly hurt Cisco to look at it.

"I was hoping you would, since I agree with you, that suit needs improvements. Starting with returning to my preferred color scheme." Jax said and Cisco nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, now onto my suit." Ray said as Jax left, knowing that he didn't need to be involved in any of the nerd talk that Cisco and Ray were sure to get into, since he dealt with that enough at home with Stein and Lily. Speaking of which, he needed to call them and let them know that Eiling was in prison.

"Okay, well, first things first, do you have any dwarf star alloy on hand to power it, since if not, there's no point in building the rest of the suit." Cisco said.

"Not yet. Honestly, the suit was still in the planning stages before I got my memories restored." Ray said.

"So, before we can start building you a new supersuit, first we need to get our hands on its power source and that won't be easy, since I don't think we're supposed to leave this time period right now and dwarf star is incredibly hard to come by in the present." Cisco said.

"Gideon, any chance you could help us out with that?" Ray asked doubtfully, thinking that he'd need to talk to Sara about a trip to the Old West for what he needed.

"Actually, according to the historical records, in this time period, the department of extranormal operations has a supply of dwarf star in a secret facility to keep it from dangerous hands." Gideon said.

"Huh, well that's convenient." Cisco said and Ray nodded.

"I guess we better call Alex. I'm sure we can convince her to give us some of it for the suit." Ray said and Cisco nodded.

Just like they'd hoped, Alex was more than willing to give Ray and Cisco some of the DEO's stockpile of dwarf star, since it's not like it was doing them any good just sitting around one of their offsite facilities.

Now they were sitting in the Waverider's lab, going over the plans for the suit.

"Thankfully, you know how to build this thing without causing any explosions." Cisco said.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Ray said, since he did not need to spend months as the size of a tater tot again.

"Anyways, what kind of changes did you have in mind?" Cisco asked.

"Well for starters, it would be nice if the suit was a bit more automated. It would save me some time." Ray said.

"Are you saying you want your suit to kind of be an Iron Man ripoff?" Cisco asked and Ray rolled his eyes.

"I don't need missiles or a chest beam or anything like that. I'd just kind of like to be able to put the suit on instantly and be able to carry it around without worrying about it falling out of my pocket." Ray said.

"Okay, I see a simple solution to that. Lace the entire suit with nanites like I did with all of Team Flash's suits in this reality for easy storage. Also, I've got some other ideas." Cisco said with a grin, since he had to admit, his comparison to Iron Man was accurate, since a lot of his ideas for upgrades came from those movies. Including the ones that hadn't come out yet.

"Speaking of suits, have you made one for Sara yet?" Ray asked after he gave Cisco his approval on his ideas, which were basically using nanites to contain the whole suit in a watch that could also release separate components of the suit aside from just the whole one. The way it would work is that Cisco built thrusters into all the components of the suit, including the helmet, the torso the gauntlets and boots and it was designed so that once the pieces were pieces were in place on Ray's body, they'd release nanites that would form the remained of the suit to link it together. The nanites in the suit would also allow for auto repairs.

"Yeah, just haven't seen her to give it to her yet. Also, you're gonna need this." Cisco said as he handed Ray a flash drive.

"What's this?" Ray asked.

"The schematics for the cold and heat guns, since Snart and Rory will need them when you recruit them and knowing Snart, he'll want him and Mick to build the guns themselves." Cisco said and Ray nodded.

"Fair point and I'm sure Gideon can fabricate the parts they need to build them, but I feel like we should include some kind of safeguard in case those guns fall into the wrong hands." Ray said.

"Already thought one up and it's in the plans." Cisco said and Ray grinned.

"Great. Can't wait. Now, let's see if this suit will work." Ray said as he looked down at his completed Atom suit.

"Let's find out." Cisco said as Ray took a deep breath and activated his suit, and fortunately, instead of blowing up, it worked as it was supposed to and fully suited him up.

"Welcome back Atom." Cisco said.

"Thanks. But we still have more tests to run." Ray said and Cisco nodded.

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