Chapter 24

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Behrad Tarazi was currently wondering what was taking so long for his team to find him, since he'd already built a time beacon to call the Waverider to them, since thanks to the Monitor showing up, he remembered his engineering skills from when he'd worked as the primary engineer of the ship and he'd used those skills to build a time beacon from parts he'd scavenged from his now cancelled children's tv show, since while it had been fun for a time, he was looking forward to going back to being a totem bearing, time traveling superhero.

However, he was pulled from those thoughts when he heard his older sister Adrianna enter his apartment and Behrad was quick to hide the time beacon from her, since while she knew that he'd stolen the family totem, she did not know anything about the old reality. Which was too bad, because the Monitor had also restored his memories of the pre-Heyworld timeline and now he knew just how much his sister looked and acted just like the version of their other sister Zari, who'd been a Legend in his place and he knew that she'd make a great legend herself.

"Thanks for letting me crash here Behrad." Adrianna said as she crashed on the couch, which she'd been sleeping on the past few nights since she'd gotten back to the states following her latest dig and she was donating a few pieces to some museums here in LA, in fact, she'd just gotten back from the last presentation.

"Thank you for covering the rent until I can find some new work." Behrad said.

"Least I can do. After all, a houseguest has to pull their weight, even if their family. When are you gonna tell mama and baba about your show being cancelled?" Adrianna asked.

"Not sure. But I am really not looking forward to Zari finding out about this." Behrad said.

"Yeah, I don't blame you. You could always come work with me. After all, I could use a tech guy on some of my digs." Adrianna offered.

"Thanks." Behrad said with a smile, right as there was a knock on the door.

"You expecting someone?" Adrianna asked him.

"No and I'm guessing you weren't either." Behrad said.

"Repo people here." A familiar female voice said from the other side of the door and Behrad couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah, you're using that totem on them before they take the TV or any of the video games." Adrianna said and Behrad chuckled.

"I'll see if I can talk to them." Behrad said as he went to open the door to find Sara and Nate waiting for her.

"Really, repo people?" Behrad asked them.

"It seemed appropriate. Now pack your things." Sara said as she and Nate entered the apartment.

Before anyone could say another word, Adrianna surprised all of them by rushing forward and practically jumping on Nate and kissing him.

"Whoa, any idea what's going on there?" Sara asked.

"I'm just as confused as you are." Behrad said as Adrianna pulled away.

"Sorry, but after being stuck in a totem for who knows how long, I got impatient." Adrianna said.

"Wait, what?" Nate asked, wondering if that meant what he thought it did.

"It's me. Zari. The Zari you knew on the Waverider." Adrianna said.

"What, but your name is Adrianna?" Sara asked, trying to make sense of all this.

"Yeah, because that is my real name. Zari Tomaz was an alias I created after I had to go on the run. My birth name is Adrianna Zari Tarazi. Even as a kid I preferred to go by my middle name." Zari/Adrianna said.

"Why didn't you ever tell us?" Nate asked.

"Honestly, it was so long ago, I just wanted to forget. I had to literally erase Adrianna from existence to keep myself and my family safe." Adrianna said.

"How do you remember?" Behrad now asked.

"The Monitor, when he came to visit you, he detected my spirit in the Air Totem and he pulled it out and fused with the spirit and body of my counterpart, Adrianna Tarazi." Adrianna said.

"No wonder you always seemed more like you than Zari." Behrad said.

"Yeah, that's going to take some getting used to." Sara said.

"I know, trust me, it's taken a while to get used to going by my real name again, but I have to admit it's nice to hear." Adrianna said.

"So, I guess we'll get used to it, though I have to admit, it's nice to not have to win you over again." Nate said and Adrianna smiled.

"I bet it is for your sake." Adrianna said.

"So, why didn't you tell me about this after it happened?" Behrad now asked his sister.

"Honestly, my plan was just to screw with you guys for as long as I could, just to see if I could use the new girl card to get out of chore duty for a while." Adrianna said with a smirk, which Sara shared with her.

"And I respect that." Sara said proudly.

"But then when I saw Nate here, I decided screw it and decided that life was too short." Adrianna said.

"Good, because in order to make sure that we have enough cabins, you and Nate can now share quarters like Ava and I and Ray and Nora." Sara said.

"Okay, what's with the goofy smile?" Adrianna asked, seeing a look on Sara's face that was very un-Saralike.

"Tell them captain." Nate said with a smile.

"Ava and I are engaged." Sara said.

"Man, it must have really been the end of the world if the infamous Sara Lance is getting married." Behrad said and his sister nodded in agreement.

"Very funny. But anyways, we need to get back to the ship, since the sooner we deal with the time masters, the sooner I can make Ava an honest woman." Sara said and both Tarazis nodded, though they were happy to see Sara so happy.

Hope you guys liked that little twist. It just seemed like too good of an opportunity to miss.

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