Chapter 8

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"It is good to be back on the ship." Ray said as he and Nora, along with Ava and Sara, walked onto the Waverider.

"I have to admit, I did kind of miss this place, though I will miss the freedom and privacy that having our own place gave us." Nora said.

"Yeah, trust me, I know the feeling." Ava said, since before the Time Bureau had been shut down, she'd had her own apartment before she'd been forced to move onto the Waverider.

"Considering that Ray and I have been on this ship longer than either of you, we're aware that the space thing isn't exactly ideal and we're working on a better solution to that, but in the meantime, let's focus on getting the rest of the Legends back together." Sara said.

"Right. I'd recommend recruiting Nate next." Ray said.

"Why?" Sara asked, since she could tell that this was about more than just Ray wanting his time bro back.

"Because I'll need his help to rebuild our time seismograph, since we can't rely on any data from the vanishing point, mainly because Gideon severed her link to the Oculus, so we need another way of tracking down aberrations. Not to mention, once the time seismograph is set up, we can augment it to detect magical threats, which we can then use to try and track Neron and get Nora's soul back." Ray said and Sara nodded, since that did make sense.

"Gideon, let's go find Nate. Where is he?" Sara asked, knowing that Nate would already be waiting for them, since according to Novu, everyone who'd been on the Waverider when it had escaped Crisis by jumping into the temporal zone would remember the old reality, which included Nate.

"Searching. According to all databases I have access to right now, Dr Heywood works as a historian and history professor at Keystone University." Gideon said.

"Nate in academia. He must hate that." Sara said and Ray nodded.

"Does he still have his powers?" Ray asked.

"Yes, thanks to an experimental treatment developed by scientists working under Joseph Carver. It cured his hemophilia and also gave him his powers." Gideon said.

"Perfect and since Novu should have restored his memories by now, he'll be waiting for us and it sounds like he'll be more than willing to get back on the ship. Once we get him back, Ray, I want you two to get to work on our time seismograph, since until we take down the time masters, that will be our only source of timeline data." Sara said and Ray nodded.

"I'll get started on the plans now." Ray said and Sara nodded.

"Anyways, Gideon, set a course for Keystone and hone in on Nate's address. I'll do the recruiting, Ray, you start setting up your lab and Nora, if you want to, you can find a room to use as your magic room." Sara said.

"Thanks, but that's what my pocket dimension is for and luckily, I'm not Constantine, since I heard a rumor that his pocket dimension is located in Hell." Nora said.

"Do we want to know where yours is?" Sara asked.

"It's located in a magical dimension called the void. It's located at the epicenter of all the magical dimensions, heaven, hell, purgatory, literally any of them and at times I can use it as a backdoor into those realms. Don't ask, it's very complicated magic that I was only able to pull off due to my bloodline and some seriously powerful magic, like the kind that can only be used once and it nearly killed me." Nora said.

"You'll have to show it to us some time. But for now, let's focus on the recruitment drive. Once the Legends are fully assembled, then we go help Rip at the Vanishing Point." Sara said as they arrived in Keystone.

Nate Heywood honestly wanted to shoot himself. That was how bored he was with his gig as a stupid history professor at Keystone University, especially since he knew that he was supposed to be a time traveling superhero, but so far there hadn't been any sign of Sara coming to pick him up.

Anyways, he'd just finished teaching a graduate course for the day and was packing up his stuff in his office for the day.

"Wow, you traded being a legend for all this? I'm impressed." a familiar voice asked from the doorway and Nate smiled when he turned around to see Sara Lance standing there.

"Hey, it's not my fault my counterpart from this world picked such a sad career." Nate said.

"Well, pack your things, we're getting the band back together and we need our historian." Sara said.

"Gladly. Luckily I printed up my letter of resignation as soon as I woke up in this reality." Nate said.

"Good. Now start packing. I want you back on the ship by tonight. I'll send Ray to help you if you need it." Sara said.

"Thanks, but luckily, my apartment is all packed up and as you can see, I'm in the process of doing that with my office too." Nate said, since there were boxes everywhere.

"I'll tell Ray to bring his shrink ray to help with moving." Sara said and Nate nodded.

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