Chapter 15

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After her meeting with Lyla, Sara's next stop in Star City was to see her dad. She was just glad that they'd already worked up a cover story for where she's been over the past five years, since she and Laurel had agreed to keep her father in the dark about the old reality. Especially since his life was so much better in this new one.

And her reunion with her father was just as positive as she'd hoped, since Quentin had immediately welcomed her back into his life, though he did ask her where she's been and Sara had answered that she'd managed to find a way to finish her medical degree while she was being held hostage by the pirates until she'd escaped and in order to protect both herself, and her family from the pirates coming after her, she'd joined Doctors without Borders as a way to make sure she always kept moving. Or at least, that's why she'd originally joined. But eventually, she'd begun to realize that it was her passion and that was why she was still going to continue it, the only reason she came back was because she'd heard that the pirates who'd abducted her had been arrested and/or killed recently, so she decided that it was finally safe enough for her to come. Especially since there was someone else she really wanted her dad to meet. Her fiance, Ava Sharpe.

"Wait, Ava?" Quentin asked, shocked when he'd heard that.

"Yeah dad, I learned that I'm bisexual while I was gone, though I do prefer girls and Ava is the love of my life." Sara said.

"Sara, do you really think that your mom and I never suspected that you weren't as into boys as your sister was?" Quentin asked.

"Wait, you knew?" Sara asked, shocked.

"I wouldn't say we knew, more like we suspected, but we weren't going to say anything to you about it in case we were wrong. We wanted you to come out to us when you were ready." Quentin said with a smile, which Sara shared.

"I guess I can understand that. And no offense, but I did go to Laurel first when I got back to town, so she already knows and is already trying to find a day for me to go wedding dress shopping with her." Sara said and Quentin smiled.

"Are you really that surprised? I'm assuming you told her that she's your maid of honor?" Quentin asked her.

"Why would I ask anyone else? And just to be clear, you are walking me down the aisle." Sara said, making it clear that she was telling her father that, not asking him.

"Of course I am. Either I walk you down that aisle or you don't walk down it." Quentin said, plain and simple.

"Glad we agree on that. Now, from what Laurel told me, she's the only single member of our family in this city." Sara said, raising an eyebrow.

"She told you I remarried?" Quentin asked.

"Yeah and dad, I'm fine with it. Though I do feel a bit guilty that I'm the reason you and mom didn't work out." Sara said sadly.

"Don't blame yourself for that honey, since honestly, things were not as perfect between us as you thought. Your mom and I started having problems while you were at med school. We tried to work things out but then after you disappeared, we just realized that there were a lot of things we needed to focus on and trying to fix our marriage wasn't one of them. We both agreed that it would be better for us to just end things then to continue to waste time and energy trying to fix things. We parted on good terms and we're still friends." Quentin was quick to assure her.

"But Laurel told me that you coped with losing me by drinking?" Sara asked and Quentin sighed.

"I admit, my drinking did have some impact on the divorce, but it was something we were already thinking about. Sara, do not blame yourself for what happened. Besides, everything worked out for the best. I'm even happier in my new relationship and I even got another daughter out of it." Quentin said.

"Yeah, Felicity. I want to meet her and my new stepmom soon." Sara said.

"Bring Ava over to dinner tonight so she can meet the whole family." Quentin said and Sara smiled.

"Of course." Sara agreed, so happy to see her dad again and that things were going so well.

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