Chapter 20

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Jax and Nate were currently nursing wicked hangovers in the drunk tank at SCPD precinct, where they'd spent the previous night and then finally, the door opened and Detective Quentin Lance came walking in with his daughter Sara.

"Well, well, well. And here I thought Mick was the one I'd be bailing out of the drunk tank." Sara said with a smirk.

"Did you pay our bail or did you just come here to give us shit?" Nate asked her, though he was wincing from the light in his eyes.

"Of course I paid your bail. I just decided to let you sleep here overnight so you could have the full drunk experience." Sara said and Quentin chuckled.

"I'm assuming the next time I'll see these two is at your wedding?" Quentin asked.

"Unless Ollie gets you involved in the next crossover, yeah." Sara said, happy that her father knew the truth now, since it had been easier to bail Nate and Jax out when he knew how she knew them.

"We both know he won't do that." Quentin said.

"Then you probably will not see them again until the wedding, but don't worry, I promise I'll come visit more often." Sara said, since now that she had time courier tech, she could visit her family whenever she wanted, since her biggest regret from the old reality was that she didn't spend more time with her dad and sister before they died and now she had a chance to correct that.

"Good. And tell Ava she's always welcome since I can tell she's a good influence on you." Quentin said.

"She is and I'll make sure she knows. Now, this isn't the only prison I need to pick people up from, so can you let Nate and Jax out so I can go pick up the next round of delinquents?" Sara asked, since honestly, she was pretty sure that she and Ava were the only mature, responsible members of the Legends and honestly, that scared her, especially since most of the Legends were older than her and yet ever since she became captain, she felt like she'd become their mother and so had Ava and Quentin chuckled at that.

"They're all yours. And good luck. From what Oliver told me, you're gonna need it." Quentin said.

"Trust me I'm gonna need it." Sara said as Quentin unlocked the cell to let Nate and Jax out.

"Thanks Captain." Nate said.

"Don't thank me yet. You still have to deal with my punishment for going drinking without me." Sara said.

"Of course that's what you're mad about. Not the fact that we got arrested." Jax said, not at all surprised.

"You really think that I'd be mad about that? I'm pretty sure Ollie and I spent high school in here." Sara said fondly.

"I remember. You and your sister wonder why I never liked him." Quentin said and Sara chuckled.

"He's a good guy, he just needed to grow up." Sara said.

"So did you and you both have." Quentin said and Sara nodded in agreement.

"Well, if it isn't our delinquents." Ava said as Sara brought the drunks on to the ship.

"Yep and you can handle their punishments for either getting arrested or not inviting us to go drinking with them, I'll let you decide what you're punishing them for, while I go pick up the other criminals." Sara said and Ava nodded as Sara opened a portal to Argus to go get Mick and Snart while Ava dealt with Nate and Jax.

"So, what's the punishment?" Jax asked.

"Cleaning detail for a week. No powers and you have to clean Rory's room and be lucky we're not making you his servants." Ava said.

"Can we at least tell Snart he's Rebecca Silver?" Jax asked, since he'd been brought up to speed on that.

"No, because Sara plans on using that to blackmail Mick to be on his best behavior at our wedding. After that, she's already called dibs on telling him." Ava said.

"Fine." Nate grumbled.

"Now go get some rest, you're gonna need it for all the cleaning you're gonna be doing." Ava said.

"Yes ma'am." Nate said as he and Jax headed to their respective rooms.

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