Chapter 3

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Ava couldn't help but roll her eyes as she watched her fiance down yet another shot glass of whiskey in the local saloon in Liberty Colorado, 1896, since that was where the ship had merged with its counterpart in this new reality and instead of going looking for Rip like she thought they would, Sara had instead insisted on going to the nearest saloon and getting as drunk as possible.

"Babe, you might want to take it easy. I know it's been awhile for you, but seriously, I think even you have your limits on how much alcohol you can take before even you can't fight correctly or it even kills you." Ava said, since it looked like Sara was trying to outdrink Rory.

"Actually Ava, this is all a part of the plan." Sara said as she downed another shot.

"What are you talking about?" Ava asked as she finally accepted a drink herself, since honestly, she had to admit, she could use a drink herself.

"Hey, we can't look the part all we want, but we don't necessarily blend in here. All we need to do is draw attention to ourselves and that dick of a Time Master will come running." Sara said with a chuckle, right as some douchebag cowboy approached them.

"Hey there ladies. I notice you've both been drinking alone and thought that maybe you wouldn't mind a little company." the guy said, clearly drunk.

"Don't even think about it." Sara said, since while she was drunk, she knew she could still kick this guy's ass.

"Oh come on, you look like you could use a good time. Especially you." the guy said as placed his hand on Ava's shoulder and before Sara could do anything, Ava quickly knocked the guy on his ass.

"I believe she said we're fine. Now back off before you do something stupid. Well, stupider than touching a lady who doesn't want to be touched." Ava said, but as expected, the guy got back up and now he looked pissed.

"Who said I was taking no for an answer." the guy said as he reached for Sara, since he'd seen that she'd drank a lot more than the other woman, so he figured she'd be easier to take for himself.

But boy was he surprised when instead of finding her to be easy pickings for him, he heard a loud bang and suddenly he felt a bullet enter his chest and he saw that Sara had her revolver out and the gun was smoking, clearly having been fired.

"We said hands off bastard." Sara said quickly as she looked around to see that all activity in the bar had stopped and everyone was now looking at them.

"Sara, what did you do?" Ava asked her.

"Relax, all a part of my plan, since how else are we going to get Rip's attention if we just sit around drinking. That alone won't be enough to get his attention, but I think that a bar fight will. Especially since I can tell this creep was a part of some gang, so maybe before we leave, we can also free the town from whatever douchebag took it over." Sara said, making it clear that this was always her plan and Ava couldn't help but chuckle.

"You know Mick's gonna be pissed about this." Ava said.

"Who says this will be our only trip to the old west. I'm thinking about having my bachelorette in Salvation." Sara said and Ava chuckled as the bar fight began.

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