Chapter 23

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Nate had been going over the timeline data for Zari only to find something that might be a problem.

"We might have a problem." Nate said as Sara, Mick and Snart joined him, Ava, Ray, Nora and Jax on the bridge.

"My favorite words. What's going on?" Sara asked.

"I'm guessing that a lot of things have happened since the last time you guys checked the timeline, but Zari and Behrad are no longer resistance freedom fighters." Nate said.

"Show me." Sara said.

"Dr. Heywood is correct Captain. It would appear that due to the presence and actions of Superman, Supergirl, the Flash and all the other heroes of this time period, along with the actions of Argus Director Lyla Micheals, the anti metahuman and anti alien act of 2032 failed, which averted the rise of the dystopian future we recruited Ms. Tomaz from originally." Gideon said.

"Great. So what happened to them now?" Sara asked, needing to know if they could still recruit them.

"Ms. Tarazi is a social media influencer and entrepreneur, along with being a self made millionaire. She's one of the most successful people in her decade." Gideon said

"Okay, so she's a no go, what about Behrad?" Nate asked, hoping that they could find a way to get his Zari back.

Before Gideon could respond, she detected a signal coming from 2042.

"Actually, I think Mr. Tarazi is trying to hail the ship." Gideon said.

"Wait, what?" Sara asked.

"Actually, that does make sense, since Behrad was on the Waverider when the antimatter wave hit, just like Nate and Mick were, so it makes sense that he remembers the old reality." Ava said and Sara nodded.

"Just to be sure, what was his life like?" Sara asked.

"He'll be ready to go, since while he used to be a child's tv star, his show's ratings began to drop and considering the day I am receiving the signal from is the day his show was cancelled, I think that he will be more than willing to come with us." Gideon said.

"Good, at least I can get my time bro back." Nate said.

"I do have a suggestion that there might be another member of the Tarazi family that we can recruit in Zari Tarazi's place." Gideon said.

"Let's hear it." Sara said.

"In this reality, Ms. Tarazi has a twin sister. Dr. Adrianna Tarazi, who is a jack of all trades." Gideon said.

"What do you mean?" Nate asked.

"Her primary career is as an archaeologist, but she clearly has other passions, particularly being a thrillseeker, since she is highly skilled in multiple forms of martial arts, though not at Captain Lance's level, she's a motorcycle expert, she speaks as many languages as Dr. Heywood's grandfather did and her knowledge of history and historical artifacts could rival that of Dr. Heywood. Not to mention, she also possesses the earth totem, which she found on a dig in Argentina." Gideon said.

"And does Behrad still have the air totem?" Sara asked.

"He does." Gideon said.

"Perfect. Then we can get two totems for the price of one. And maybe someday we can consider bringing this new version of Zari into the fold, but honestly, Adrianna sounds a lot like our Zari was. Still, Adrianna is the more practical choice and who knows Nate, she looks just like our Zari, maybe even more than this timeline's Zari does." Sara said.

"True. So where are they?" Nate asked.

"The signal is coming from Los Angeles." Gideon said.

"That is where we're headed. Everyone strap in, we're heading to the future." Sara said as they all took their seats and Snart did not miss how Ava was glaring at him, as if she was challenging him to try and sit anywhere near Sara, though he did not take the bait. While he may have had feelings for Sara once, they weren't worth possibly getting himself killed. Again. Besides, there were plenty of other fish in the time stream for him to go after.

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