Chapter 9

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"So, who's the next person on our recruitment list?" Nate asked.

"Honestly, I'm thinking Jax." Sara said.

"Really?" Ray asked.

"Yeah, I want to check in on both him and Professor Stein and I also want to recruit all our teammates that are in this time period before we start making time jumps." Sara said.

"So Zari's last then." Nate said, a bit disappointed.

"Sorry Nate, but that's just the way it has to be, since her and Behrad are literally on the way to the Vanishing Point from here. It just makes more sense. Besides, I want as much firepower as we can get and it doesn't get much more firepower than Firestorm." Sara said.

"But we can't have Firestorm without both Jax and Stein and I'd think that after what happened, we'd want to keep the Professor away from this life." Ray said.

"Not necessarily. Gideon, pull up all relevant data to this conversation." Sara said.

"Right away captain." Gideon said as she began projecting files for them all to see.

"According to Gideon, in this reality, Jax was orphaned when he was a kid, bounced around the system for a while before he was adopted by Professor Stein and his wife and grew up being an actual brother to Lily, who is not an aberration in this reality." Sara said.

"Though apparently now he and the Steins live in Anchorage Alaska." Ray said.

"Yeah, that's not normal. Let's find out what's going on there." Ray said.

"Gideon, do you have any more details that might help us put the pieces together?" Ava asked.

"Actually yes, it appears that Professor Stein moved his entire family to Alaska about a month after the particle accelerator exploded." Gideon said.

"Meaning that he's trying to keep Firestorm from the military, since he did tell us about how General Eiling tried to force him and Ronnie to be one of his super soldiers. I'm betting he took his family off the grid to keep Eiling from finding out about Firestorm." Sara said.

"We need to do something about him. A lot of scientific advancements have had to be kept secret to keep him from exploiting them for the military." Ray said.

"Which is why while we're in this time, I'm going to talk to Lyla, since I'm sure J'onn restored her memories and see if she'll open some kind of investigation into Eiling and get him locked up." Sara said.

"First things first, let's get Jax back on the ship. Then we'll focus on this general." Ava said and Sara nodded.

"Gideon, set a course for Anchorage Alaska." Sara said.

"Right away Captain." Gideon said as the ship headed that.

"In the meantime, we need a way to restore our teammate's memories that J'onn might not have thought of, since now that I think about it, there's no guarantee that he would've known to restore the memories of teammates he hasn't met yet or teammates that are still only children or haven't even been born yet." Sara said.

"Actually, I think I might have something to help with that." Ray said.

"What?" Ava asked as Ray left the bridge only to return a few minutes later with something in his hand,

"Yeah, even before J'onn restored my memories, I think a certain space god decided to do some meddling, since for about a week before I remembered the old world, I started building this." Ray said as he revealed a gun that was familiar to Nate and Sara.

"Is that the memory gun you built in Doomworld?" Nate asked and Ray nodded.

"Doomworld?" Ava asked, since she hadn't been there when it had happened.

"It's what we call the alternate reality Thawne, Merlyn, Darhk, Snart and Rory created with the spear of destiny." Sara said.

"Right, tell me again why Mick joined the dark side or why we're recruiting a traitor?" Ava asked.

"Because the time period Snart was recruited from was back when he first got the cold gun, before he struck his deal with Barry and grew a conscience. And Mick, well, he was still having trouble believing he was a part of the team considering how we treated him and Snart was able to manipulate him." Sara explained.

"Right. Sorry, I just, I've come to terms with Mick, since honestly, I know he's a loyal friend, but it's Snart I have reservations about." Ava said.

"That's funny, when Rip first recruited us, it was the other way around." Ray said and Sara chuckled.

"I get the feeling that this has more to do with the fact that Snart is kind of my ex than the fact that he was a traitor." Sara said.

"Can we even describe what you two were doing as dating? I mean, you only kissed him once and that was literally right before he died." Ray said.

"True, but still, I don't want him to get any ideas after we restore his memories." Ava said.

"That's what blackmail is for. Mick keeps Snart's eyes off me and we don't tell Snart about Rebecca Silver." Sara said.

"Oh come on, Snart would find that hilarious." Ray said.

"Yes and then he'd also punch Mick in the face for going soft on him." Sara said, though she did agree.

"So, anyways, you were saying before we got distracted?" Sara asked.

"Right, anyways, this gun should work the same way as J'onn's mental powers and restore people's memories of the old reality, just like it did in Doomworld." Ray said.

"Perfect, when we stop in Central City to pick up Snart and Rory from Iron Heights, since we all know that's where they are, I'm making a stop to get my suit from Cisco, you should give him the schematics for that thing." Sara said and Ray nodded.

"I could use his help with making some improvements to my suit." Ray said.

"And my costume." Nate said.

"Hey babe, everyone else is getting a costume." Sara said looking at her fiance.

"Yeah, no. Dressing up in leather is your thing, not mine and while you look good in it, I have no desire to put on a supersuit." Ava said.

"Okay." Sara said.

"Sara, I'm serious." Ava said.

"I promise, I won't make you go to Cisco for a supersuit." Sara said.

"Thank you." Ava said.

"Captain, we have arrived in Anchorage." Gideon said.

"Perfect. Let's get to work." Sara said as she took the memory gun from Ray and headed towards the cargo bay.

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