Chapter 131: We Aren't On That First Name Basis

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"Where are we going?"


"I asked where we're going?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't hear you. Um, remember you said you were looking for a space to do some photoshoots."


"Well, I found you a nice space. It's not too big, but there's enough room for you to have a setup and create something in there."

"Alright." I nod.

"So, how're you been feeling?"

"What do you mean?" I turn furrowing my brows.

"Just... how's everything?"

"Honestly, I've been feeling good. How bout you?"

She nods, then turns to me smiling. "I feel really good too. It's nice having someone... well you... to talk to. I've been lonely these past three years. So, I'm happy that you not only gave me a job. But also gave me a friend."

"I feel the same way. Especially because I don't have any friends." I look down, playing with my fingers.

"Hey, why don't we go out tonight!" She says, breaking the silence in the car.

"Like for our usual walk at night or..."

"No, like clubbing."

"To a club?" I raise my brows.

"Well... yeah, why not." She shrugs.

"Well, for one, you're sober, and two. I haven't been out to a club in years. And in all honesty, I don't think I want to be in one."

"Iman, I've been sober for three years now -"

"Yeah, but you could relapse -"

"I was a drug addict, not an alcoholic."

"Doesn't matter. You could still relapse." I point out. "There are lots of clubs where people discreetly sell drugs. And that can be a trigger for you."

She huffs and stays quiet, focusing back on the road.

"Theresa, I'm not trying to say that you can't handle yourself. I'm just being a"

"Friend." She finishes my sentence smiling. "Thank you."

We pulled up to a small studio. I climbed out of the car following behind her. After she unlocks the door, we walk in.

"How do you like it?" She asks, turning on the light.

It was a small studio space to do photoshoots, as she said. It needed some work. The walls were peeling, the floors were stoned and dirty, and the stench in here was terrible, but this was a good place to do small shoots.

"I like it." I nodded, smiling to her.

"Glad you do. Oh, look, there's also a small storage space where you can store stuff in." She opens it up. "And a little office for you to conduct business. Or just have your privacy if need be."

She showed me around the place. And everything I told her I was looking for was right here in this studio. She listened to everything I was saying.

"This is perfect, Theresa. Thank you."

"No problem." She shrugs.

Now, I felt bad for denying her a night out of fun. But clubbing is a bad idea, especially because of the alcohol and the drugs that could be there. I'm wondering if there's a place, we can just go to dance that won't trigger her sobriety. I guess when I think of somewhere I will let her know.

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