The first night

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Today's my first day on the new job. I'm pretty nervous. I've heard from some people that the place is haunted or something. But I feel like I don't really have a choice but to do this job. I'd do anything to get out of the house.

The shift starts at 12:00 am tonight so I'll take a nap later to get some sleep in before.


Fast forward to 11:30 pm


I woke up from my nap just then and now I'm getting ready to go. I put on the uniform. I'm so nervous. I keep trying to tell myself 'what could go wrong?'.
Well, literally everything.

The diner happens to be just down the road from where I live. So I grab my skateboard and ride down there.


11:55 pm

I pull up to Freddy Fazbear's a few mins early and I see a car parked up to the building. I wonder who that could be?

I pull out the keys that came with my uniform and try to unlock the door. For some reason I struggle with it for a bit which is embarrassing. But then I feel the door sweeping open. I freeze for a moment, then only to be met by him.

A tall guy, with dark hair and sharp blue eyes.

I think he could be a little bit older than me

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I think he could be a little bit older than me. He was wearing the uniform too. Although it actually really suited him.
I must've been stuck in a trance but then I heard him speak.

"Hello miss. My name's Michael. You must be the new night guard?"

"Uh yes, my name's y/n" I reply.

"Nice to meet you y/n. I'll be showing you what you need to do. Follow me. And do everything exactly as I say."

I was a little shook by how serious he was.
So when I got in, he locked the door and I hurried behind him down the hallways. In one of the rooms I got a glimpse of these animatronics standing in the corner. Creepy.

There was something off about this place. Because I had a really uneasy feeling while we walked down the hallway. I had only just been at my job 3 minutes and I already wasn't handling it too well.

He took me to this little office which has 2 large doors on either side. Its very dark in this building. The only source of light was coming from a tiny dim lamp in the office we were in.
Michael sat down in a chair and I did the same.
Then he spoke again,
"I'm going to need you to stay quiet here, and as I said before, do exactly as I tell you. You don't have to do anything for now, just relax"

I nodded.


*30 mins later*

We were sitting in silence the whole time, I watched Michael flip through cameras, and every now and then he'd glance at me, as if to see if I was alright. I was genuinely terrified but I couldn't really do anything.


*Another 2 mins later*

I was just about falling asleep in my chair when suddenly I heard running and Micheal stumbled. One of the huge doors SLAM shut.


It was enough to make me jump and I think he noticed.

After a few minutes the banging and the noise stops..
We both cautiously stared at the door for a moment.

Then Michael turned to me and said, "Hey it's alright, I won't let anything happen to you".

It seems he is a lot more comforting than he looks.

He glanced back at the door and then opened it. I didn't want him to. But the coast looked clear.

He told me that the doors and lights had a limited power supply. So I'd just have to rely on Michael to somehow keep us alive for the rest of the night.

And that's exactly how it went until 6 am. He constantly flipped through the cameras, opening and closing doors and occasionally flicking lights on.

I can't believe what I got myself into. But I managed to survive my first night.


We got out of there as soon as 6:00 am came. He locked the front entrance and then turned to me.
"So how was your first shift?"

I shot him a dirty look and we both kind of laughed.

Then I said "I'm lucky to still be alive thanks to you"

"Hah yeah it is a tough job but you'll manage. Besided, you've got me" he said.

"Anyway, what's the deal with that place? Why is it like that? What's with the animatronics? I ask him.

"give me your phone number. I'll explain it all"

I didn't get what he meant by that but I gave him my number anyway.

The darkness slowly crept away from the sky and the sun was starting to rise.

We both went home and I crawled into bed after the most traumatic night I've ever experienced.


Michael's POV:

To be honest I wasn't really looking forward to this. This job and this pizzeria isn't really what it seems. And now I have to make sure that me AND the new kid don't get eaten.

But y/n is alright. I think she might actually have a chance at this. She probably almost died from a heart attack. But she seemed to be a little calmer by the end.

I watched her pick up her skateboard and skate back down the road. Then I started my car up and sat in it for a few minutes just thinking about what happened last night. And I watched the sun peek over the hill through my window.

I drove back home, the opposite way she went.

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