the party pt 2

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We slipped past groups of people and went upstairs. We tried to find where Matilda was, apparently with a boy.

There were so many people, we couldn't find her. Jack and Niki gave up and went back downstairs. I turned to follow but I glanced up for a millisecond, and I actually spotted her in one of the rooms.
Jack and Niki had already disappeared so I didn't bother calling them.

I peeped through into the room, and she was in fact, with a guy.
He was so much taller than her, and had dark hair. They were just talking.
Well I'm kinda happy she's socialising. She doesn't do that very often.


I went downstairs and found Mike. He's with some of his friends, they've been hanging out on the couch for the majority of the time.
Mike is sitting at the end of the couch.
"Hey y/n" Mike exclaims when he sees me. He reaches his hand out and pulls me closer to him.
I look once over the people he's with.
And on one of the other couches, who do I see?

"Charlie?" I exclaim


My brother is here? At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if my whole family was here too.

"Who invited you?" I laugh

Charlie rolls his eyes with a smirk.

Well this is weird.
I don't wanna be around here. Not when my brother's here.

I slowly step away and head towards the table with the drinks. I grab myself one of the bottles that look decent and crack it open.

 I grab myself one of the bottles that look decent and crack it open

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I see Will. He comes over to the table and grabs himself a drink too.

"Nice party Will" I say

He looks over at me sitting at the bar, and nods with a smirk.

Then he randomly stares off into the distance.

"What's Lily doing here?" Will mutters, a very worried expression on him.

I try to look where he's looking.

"Who's Lily?" I ask.

No answer.
I'm a little worried seeing him worried.

"Will who's Lily!?" I exclaim and I get off the chair and step forward towards him.

He looks away for a second.
I stare at him, waiting for an answer.

"It's Mike's ex" he says.

A thousand thoughts just shot through my head.

"Where is she?" I say sternly.

It's time to go make a scene.

I start to walk in the direction Will was looking before.
But I get abruptly pulled back by him.

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