doing time

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Your POV:

The whole day passed away. I think I slept most of it. I hate having a messed up sleep schedule. I'm not going to another party for a long time.

It was around 4:00 pm, me and Mike weren't doing anything.

I got a text.

A text.....from Charlie?
He never texts me. I wonder what he wants.



I think you need to come home. Parents are getting really suspicious. They're wondering where you are



What am I supposed to say?



What did they say? Did they ask you anything?

They asked me where you are. I said you're at your friends house.

Hm ok.

They are wondering why you didn't come home "after work"

Oh God. I'll be home soon then.

What are you gonna tell them?

I'll come up with something.


"I need to go home" I tell Mike.

"Alright. Are you feeling good enough?"

"I think so."

My stomach hurts and I'm thirsty as hell. But I'll be fine.
I grab my things and we walk out to the car.

Mike turns on his car, and turns to me,
"Is everything alright? You seem worried"

I sigh, "my parents are wondering where I am. Charlie covered for me but I think they're suspicious"

I have strict parents.
If they find out what I've been up to for the last 48 hours they'll probably kill me.

"Hm. Well I don't know what to say" he replied blankly.

"Neither do I", I breathe.

We drive down the road, my house isn't far.

As we near, I say "Oh Mike can you drop me off a small distance before my house? Wouldn't want them to see me getting out of a car"

He parks a few houses before mine.

I turn to hop out, "Thanks"

"Text me later" He asserts.

I nod and close the door.

It takes a minute to walk down to my house.
I have to get to my room as quickly as possible.

I slowly open the door and peak inside. Doesn't look like anyone's around so I start speed-walking to my room.

"Y/n!" Exclaims my mum's voice.


I slowly turn around, in the doorway to my room. I was so close.

"Hey mum" I say flatly.

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