At last.

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Your POV:

I wake up with a massive headache.
I don't even wanna get up.

I open my eyes.

Where even am I?

I'm in bed.
I'm still in the same clothes from last night.

I look to the side. Mike's here too. In the same bed...

He sits up.

Should I get up?
I contemplate this for a second.

I feel like shit.
But I sit up after a while.

"Oh you're up" Mike mumbles.

At least that's what I think he said.

The pressure in my head is unreal.

"Why......" I start,

".......why are we in the same bed?"

But I don't give him a chance to answer because I get out in a hurry and make my way to the bathroom.

I started throwing up in the toilet.
It was rough.

But I feel Mike is here too. He pulls my hair back.

The nausea eventually subsides and he helps me stand up.
"Thanks Mike" I say weakly.

"You feeling alright?" He asked in the gentlest tone.

I shake my head slowly and roll my eyes.

"Well feel free to take a shower if you want, get yourself cleaned up." He said, and threw me a spare towel.


I took that shower. It made me feel a little better. And less gross.

I put on the clothes I had on last night, and walk back to the room.

"Mike, here's your jacket back. Thanks for letting me borrow it."
I pass him the jacket.

"You can borrow it anytime. It'll always be here" and he puts it away in his cupboard.
Then he looks at me.

"Oh, do you want some different clothes? I bet those clothes aren't as comfortable" he says.

"No no it's fine. I'll be fine"

He digs through his cupboard and throws me a jumper, and some sweatpants.
"Sorry, they're probably gonna be huge on you" he laughs.

"Oh you didn't.. have to" I smile.

But without protest, I go and change.

But without protest, I go and change

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His clothes are so comfortable.

I walk back into the room and dive back into his bed. I'm still exhausted. I want to get a bit more sleep.

At Last | Michael Afton x reader (oc)Where stories live. Discover now