The day after

498 12 17

6:29 am

Your POV:

I woke up after one of the most comfortable sleeps I've ever had.
But when I opened my eyes I realised why....

I'm in his bed.....

I look over and he's laying on the couch with a blanket, doing something on his phone.

I sat up in his bed and he looked up at me for a second.
"Good morning" he said and his eyes went back to his phone.

"What am I still doing here?" I say with unease.

"You fell asleep"

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"How could I?" He said, now gazing at me.

I sat there expressionless for a minute. What would my parents think?

Wait, what do I think?

I look at him still on his phone. Then he looks at me and asks "you okay?"

That was a sweet gesture, letting me sleep here. But I still feel bad.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep here" I say

"It's alright y/n, it doesn't bother me one bit"

Then he continues, "come on, I can take you home if you'd like"

I quickly scan my phone for any new messages. Nothing from my parents...maybe they didn't notice. They always forget about their middle child anyway.

"I do think it's best for me to go now"
I reply.

He nods and gets up. He grabs his keys off his desk and I grab my stuff.

As we walk down the stairs, I notice there's no one around the house. I'm guessing they're all still asleep or something. He makes an effort to open the front door as quietly as possible.

I hop in the passenger seat of his car and stare out the window. He starts his car up and we just sit there for a few minutes.
"Are you sure your okay y/n?"

I turn my head and he's looks deeply into my eyes.

He has the prettiest eyes. I'm so mesmerised by him. Wait do I like him?
No. No way. I couldn't.


I look away for a second then back to him. I nod yes.

I quickly look back out the window. I'm a little embarrassed. Why was I staring for so long? Oh I hope he didn't feel uncomfortable.

Mike slowly drove out of park. The rest of the drive to my house was just silence. I didn't know what to think. I wish I could just not think anything.


Mike's POV:

She seemed really quiet so I asked her if she was okay. Then she looked at me. I was waiting for an answer.
She was just staring me dead in the eyes. I couldn't quite read her emotion.

So I asked again. Then she nodded. I don't really know what to make of that.
So I just started driving.

We didn't speak a word the whole drive.

We then pulled up to her house.

She got out with her stuff, and before she closed the door, she looked at me.

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