The skateboard

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Fast forward to Friday 11:00 am

Its a Friday today. I haven't hung out with Mike for a while. I've only been seeing him at work.

But he asked me this morning if I wanted to hang out at his place. Of course I want to.

My parents were at work already so I didn't need to tell them about my whereabouts. When I got ready I got my skateboard and skated down to his house.
I didn't even knock, I just walked in and went upstairs. Mike was sitting on his bed playing my favourite game on the console.

"Hey Mike"

"Hey y/n. You wanna play?"


We played games for most of the time. It got to the point where we got sick of it and tried to find something else to do.

"Do you wanna go outside and kick the ball or something? Or we could go for a walk? He asked.

"We could do both" I replied

"Alright then"

He opened his cupboard and started looking for a ball of any sort. But from where I was standing, I got a glance at something hidden in the shadows of the cupboard. Is that what I think it is?

"Hey Mike, what's that?" And I point to the object.

He looks around for a moment. He somehow pulls it out from underneath all the things it was buried under.

"You mean this?"

My face instantly lit up.
"Omg you have a skateboard too!?" I exclaim.

"Yeah but I got out of skateboarding a long time ago. I haven't ridden in years."

"We should go skateboarding together!"

I'm a little overexcited about this. I've never had another friend that skates.

"No I think I've forgotten how to. It won't be much fun for you. I'd have to learn it all again from scratch."

"But that's no problem, I can help you :)" I say

He looks up at me with a half smile.
"Maybe I'll consider it" he says.


He puts the board aside and finds the ball. We go out into his yard and kick it around for a while.


Mike's POV:

I kind of wish she didn't spot the skateboard in my cupboard. I really didn't want to get back into skating.

I have my reasons, and it's not just because I forgot how to skate.
But I'm not ready to talk about those other reasons.

We went outside and kicked the ball for  like an hour or something. And then I saw she started getting a little bored.

She did say before that she wanted to go for a walk. But what if she brings up the skateboards again? I really don't feel like skating. Not today, and not for a very long time.

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