the stakeout

166 1 14

Present time:


(Boy) Charlie's POV:

Mike explained to me something about how y/n is in serious danger and he needs to fix this mess that their in, and in order to do that, he needs the help of a girl with the same name as me.
'Charlie'. Or 'Charlotte' rather.

It's a lot to take in.

I don't know whether to trust him or not. This could just be a cover up, to cover up the fact that he's hanging out with another girl instead of y/n.

"And... why should I believe you?" I tell him.

"Charlie I'd never do anything to hurt y/n. And besides, you really think I would just make all that up?"

He does have a point. It was an oddly specific explanation.

I stare at Michael for a moment. "I want to believe you.
I won't tell y/n. For her sake.
But if I catch you slipping..."

He nods.

I turn and walk out.

I head back to the car, where y/n and my friends are waiting for me.


I made sure that y/n had a good day spent with me and my friends.

A lot is going on behind her back, and she really needed some cheering up. I know it didn't make up for her other cancelled plans, but at least it took her mind off them for a while.
I wonder what Mike's got himself into💀

He better be telling the truth.

If I find out he was lying, me and him are gonna have problems.


Your POV:

At the end of the day, me and Charlie drive back home.

Before I get out of the car, I mutter "Thanks Charlie"
And we both walk down and step inside the house.

I'm grateful for him.
He didn't have to hang out with me.

I honestly had a good time.

Before I met Michael, I wasn't close with Charlie at all.
We hardly ever talked to eachother.

I can see now how brothers and sisters are meant to be.
And it was all because of Mike.


Right now I wish I could forget that name.


I curl up into bed. My most favourite place in the world. Well, second to Mike's bed.

I wish I was in it right now.

Wait no I don't. I'm supposed to be frustrated with him.


As I lay in my bed I start to think. And my mind starts to wander.


What if I just went to his house? I need to figure out what's going on with him. We could just talk things over, face to face.


I'll go there tomorrow. I'll show up and I'll make him talk to me.

It's a plan.


Mike's POV:

It started getting late. I was still out with Charlotte. We had been talking all day. The whole day passed just like that.

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