the party pt 3

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Your POV:

I'm still in the bathroom. I just need a moment to myself.
Then my phone buzzes.
I see it's a text from Mike.



Are you alright? Do you wanna go home or something?


Yeah I'm not replying to that.

He can come up and ask me himself.

I walk over and sit on the floor on the other side of the bathroom.
It was an impulsive thought.
But the tiles are nice and cold.

I lean against the wall with my back.

My phone buzzes again.

Messages from Jack.

He's asking where I am, and they want to know if I'm okay.

I only reply that I'm fine and I just need a bit of time alone.

I lean my head back on the wall and close my eyes.
My mind is empty. Not a single thought in it.
All of my emotions are drowned out by the sound of muffled music outside the door.
It's peaceful.


After a few minutes, someone walks in. I slightly open my eyes.
I think we all know who it is.

"You think you can get away with not answering my texts?" Mike said assertively.

I just keep my eyes on him, expressionless.

He walks over and sits down next to me, and leans his back on the wall. Same as me.

"Are you ok?" He asks softly.

I nod.

"Don't worry about anything y/n. What you did was pretty badass"

I breathe a laugh.

"Where did you learn how to fight like that?" He jokes.

"It pays to have an annoying older brother you know" I answer jokingly.

He stands up and puts his hand out for me.
"Do you wanna go home?"

I take his hand and he helps me up.
"The party hasn't even started yet" I say.

And we go back downstairs.



Its 1:00 am.

I've been making the most of this night, after that incident. My friends and I have been having so much fun.
I've had a few drinks now.

I don't know about Mike. He seems fine.

Some of the people here have been doing crazy shit. Probably because of the drinks. I even heard that some people were doing drugs upstairs.
I could never do drugs.
Thank goodness the cops haven't arrived.


It's 2:00 am

Me and my friend group keep messing around and everything seems 10x funnier than earlier.

And the music sounds soooo good.
I haven't seen Matilda all night. I wonder what has become of her.

Oh wait she's right next to me.

No wait. I don't know who that is.

We've played a few games. Drinking games of course. And discovered that I'm very good at them.
I haven't had this much fun in ages.

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