on my mind

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Mike's POV:

It's a Monday. Thank goodness I don't have school. I dropped out of college a while ago because of the circumstances.

I wonder if y/n went to school today.

I need to stop thinking about her.

Me and Charlotte have some business to deal with today. We need to get this over with.

We step out of Will's house and hop in her car.
As she drives, I guide her down to the police station. If we're going to put a stop to the horrors of Freddy fazbear's, that's probably where we should start.

We walk in to the station. We're pretty early so there's not much going on here.

We go and talk with an officer, and explain our situation.



........-My father is the psychopath that owns Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria."

"Ah. William Afton. We've tried to catch him for months now.
We've had several reports, although we never found any solid evidence that he committed those murders.
No evidence or witnesses at all.

He's a hard man to catch.
And you're his son you say?"

I nod.

"Have you had any contact with him in the last few days?" The officer asks.

I turn my head and expose the bruises on my face, "Does this answer your question? I'm lucky that was the most he did this time. I saw him a few days ago."

"Where did you see him last?"

"I was working the night shift at the pizzeria. That's when he showed up. "


He asks a few more questions.


"We're gonna try everything we can to get him. We'll send out some guys to go and do another search and see what we can do. For now just go home and we'll take care of it."

I pause at this. My eyebrows furrowed.

"I can't go home. He's threatened to kill me and everyone I know if I ever reported him" I say.


"Do you have any safe places? A location where he wouldn't find you?"


15 mins later.


We finished talking with the officer and walk out of there.
They said they'll try and go find him.

But what does that mean for me? If that psycho finds out I ratted him out to the police, I'll be dead.

And there'll be no stopping him.

And then he'll be after everyone else.


I can't believe she's stuck in the middle of this.

I love that girl too much but I wish I never met her.

Not if it meant putting her in danger. I have to make sure that I fix this.
Even if it means doing it myself. Without the police's help.
It's not like they'll be of much use anyway. My father's a dog. They won't catch him. They've tried before. And they still haven't.

I wish Charlotte wasn't a part of this either. She's willing to put herself in danger too just to help me.

I don't deserve her.


We go home later that day. To Will's house that is.



Charlotte's POV:

I'm sitting on the couch with my phone. We've been chilling at Will's for the rest of the afternoon. There's nothing else we can do right now.

I look up from my phone to see Mike. He's standing at the kitchen, leaning on both his hands out on the counter.
And every now and then he paces. Back and forth through the rooms.

"Are you alright? You seem.... tense" I say.

Well of course he's tense. I would be too.

He glances up at me, and then looks back down.

I sigh. I wish I could help him. It's such a burden on his shoulders.



Your POV:

I hardly survived school today.

You best believe I didn't want to go. But I don't want the people around me to think that something's wrong. Even though it is.

I couldn't focus at all during learning.

The teacher called on me a few times and I couldn't answer any of her questions. I couldn't help being zoned out.

I didn't want to think about him.

But he was all I could think about.

I roll my eyes.

I can't get him out of my head.


The school day passed painfully slow.

But before I knew it, it was the afternoon and I was back in my bed.

What do I even do with myself?

Usually I'm at his house at this time.

My mind starts to revisit all the things I was thinking about last night.

Last night.

I've fixed my sleep schedule at least. I no longer wake up at midnight to go to work.
If I'm being honest it's a relief. Sleep has always been important to me.

But for him it was always worth it.

To be able to walk in and see his face. And his stunning eyes. That was enough to keep me going.

Shut up y/n.

Stop thinking about him.

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