a plot twist♡ pt 2

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Your POV:

We finally step out of the house. Mike seemed to have gotten acquainted with my annoying brothers. Great.
Now they're gonna be asking me a lot of questions.

"I'm sorry about my brothers Mike "

"What do you mean? Don't apologise. I know what siblings are like. Besides they seem alright. How old is Charlie by the way?"

"16. Turning 17"

"Oh thats cool. Almost my age. Seems like a nice guy"

"Until you have to live with him" I laugh.

We walk down the peaceful street.
It's around 5:00 pm or later.
The sun will be going down soon.

While we walk, Mike puts his arm around my shoulders.

How am I gonna tell him what's been haunting me all night?

As we continue walking, Mike then asks,
"So what was it you wanted to talk about? I've been worried about you"

"Mike I don't know how to tell you this. But I'll try to explain it as best I can."

"No pressure y/n. Take your time"

I take a breath.


And go on,

"I'm confused Mike. Because I like you. And I like what we are.

But I also really liked what we were before.
I'm not trying to friend-zone you.
What i'm saying is that I don't think I'm ready. For a relationship.

I've never been in a relationship before, let alone had a talking stage even.

But right now, it's really messing with me.
Even though I like you.
I really like you."



Mike's POV:

My first thought is: you've got to be kidding me. We just got together and now she wants to break that.

But I listen to her go on. And I realise how confused she is.

And I get that. I kind of understand her.

When she finishes talking she seems upset. She probably thought she made me feel bad.

But I don't. Not that much anyway.

"uh right person, wrong time?" I ask

She turns to me and nods.

I sigh.

"It's okay y/n. I understand.
I'm willing to wait for you as long as it takes.


Even if we never work out, I'll always be here for you."

She smiles.
"You'll always be the right person to me Mike. "

I blush for a second.

And then I take my arm off her shoulders.
That kills me inside.

"So until then.......

......friends?" I guess.

She nods.

"I'm sorry Mike. I know it's gonna be weird" she adds.

"It doesn't have to be weird. Not unless we make it weird." I say.


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