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Your POV:

I wake up around 7:30 am.

I'm going to go find out what Michael is up to.
I want to put this to rest.

I eat breakfast and get ready.

I wanna walk to his house without texting or anything.

I won't even knock on the door.

I know its not like me to do that, but he has to stop hiding from me.
I haven't seen him in like a week. I'll have to catch him.

After I get ready I walk out the door. But a cold breeze hits me, and I find myself running back inside. I swing my cupboard open and grab the first thing in reach.

I just happened to grab Mike's jacket. Well technically it belongs to me now.

It'll have to do in this weather, I throw the jacket around myself. Then I go back outside and start walking down the street.

About 20 minutes later, I show up to his street. I look in the driveway.

There's no cars parked here except for Mike's.

I walk up to the front door and try to open it. I rattle the handle a few times. It's not opening. The door is locked.
I even knocked aggressively a few times.

Well no one is here. His family has obviously gone out somewhere because their car isn't here. But Mike's is.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I walk around to the backyard, and look up where I can see Mike's window.

Thats it.

I'm climbing.

I know there's a ladder just in between the shed and the fence. So that's where I go and there it is, in its spot.
(Yes I just happen to know this oddly specific information) (I'm crazy).

I put the ladder up and started to climb. I climbed up to Mike's window and peaked inside.

Nothing. No one.

I get down and start looking through all the other windows.

Still nothing. No sign of any life forms.

How strange.


After pondering this for a few minutes, I get an idea.

I wonder if Mike's friends know what's going on with him? Or maybe they at least know where he is....

I take out my phone and start typing to the one person that knows him best.



Are you home

Hey y/n I'm at work rn. My doors are open to you though.


Well then..

I think I'll just go to his house and wait for him.
What else am I gonna do all day?

His house is about another 25 minute walk from here.
So off we go.


I eventually got to his house. But walking up to the front door, I notice there's a car here.

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