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Mike's POV:

I relocated Charlotte's car from the now closed down pizzeria, to my house. It will stay there until she can finally get out of hospital.

I also went and took mine and her things from Will's house.
One of those things being my varsity jacket. I put it on myself.



I slowly pull up to her street in my car. I know her parents aren't home because their cars aren't here. They must be at work still.

I walk down to the door and knock. Seconds later it's answered by.... Thomas. Her little brother.
"Mike I saw what happened on the news! Did you get eaten by the robots?" He exclaims.

I laugh. "No I'm fine. Everything's fine"

Thomas runs back inside calling, "Charlie! Charlie! Mike's here"

And soon *boy* Charlie walks out and closes the door behind him.

"Hey" he says sombrely and gives me the bro hug. "Everyone's been super worried about you. How are you feeling? Oh and other Charlie?"

"I'm alright. The doctor fixed me up and I'm fine now. Charlie barely survived but she made it too. She's gonna be in hospital for a while though"

He nods.

There's a brief moment of silence.

"How is she?" I ask in a low tone.

He glances back at the house and then back to me, "she hasn't left her room at all. I think she finally realised what's actually been going on behind her back. I can't tell if she wants to see you or not"

"That's understandable" I breathe a light laugh.

He scoffs and jokingly rolls his eyes. "She'll get over it. Do you want me to go and get her?"

"She won't come out."

"You're probably right. Why don't you come in then?" He says and we both walk inside.


Your POV:

"y/n there's someone here to see you" Charlie says from the other side of my door.

I know it's Michael. I don't really wanna see him. But it's not just because I'm mad.
I'm also ashamed.

I saw on the news what went down at the pizzeria. There was a whole report on what had happened.

As I stand in my room anxiously waiting, I hear a few quiet knocks on my door. Then the door creaks open, revealing a glimpse of his tall mysterious figure.

The soft light from my window casts a gentle glow on his face, highlighting the scars.
My heart almost breaks at the sight of him.

"May I come in?" he says softly.

I nod.

"Y/n I'm sorry for everything. I left you in the middle of all of this without any explanation and left you broken. And confused. You didn't deserve to get caught up in this.
I only repeated the same mistake my father made with me. I didn't explain to you what Freddy's was all about. I should have told you from the start. But I only wanted to keep you safe. And I thought the only way to do that was to never tell you"-

I pull him in by the collar of his jacket and cut him off with a brief kiss.
"no. I'm sorry for not trusting you."

"you had every right to have doubts about me y/n. After the way I've been acting. I understand and I don't blame you for being mad" he says.

"mad?" I raise an eyebrow.
"You saved everyone..... You saved me. I love you Michael."

I pull him back in by the collar and this time he kisses me back, moving his hands to my waist to pull me in closer.

While we kiss, I run a hand through his hair.

He slightly breaks the kiss, "I love you too"

Then I say, "But if you do anything like that ever again, I'll just have to kill you myself" I joke.

He laughs and pulls me back in to a hug, having to bend down slightly because of the height difference.

He laughs and pulls me back in to a hug, having to bend down slightly because of the height difference

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I wish I could hold him and never let him go. I could have lost him.

But now I finally have him back.

And I know now that I can fully trust him.

This fixes everything.



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