the party pt 1

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Finally. The big event we've been waiting for.
It's Will's 18th birthday party tonight. Thank goodness me and Mike don't work on weekends.


There's going to be a lot going on tonight. Will invited us to hang out before the party.
Will has his own house not too far away. That's where he'll be hosting tonight.

Also, Will is like, really popular. Well not in the popular sense. More like he just knows everybody. So there will be a lot of people at this party I'm guessing.

Its about 10:00 am
I'm getting ready right now. Mike will be over soon to pick me up and we're going to Will's house.
I throw on some random casual fit for now. I can change it later for the party.

I'm about to walk out the door. But Thomas spots me.

"Where are you going?"

"To a friends house" I reply

"Which friend?"

"Thomas I have to leave now"

And I walk out the door before he can ask any more questions.

I wait on the yard for a few minutes and then Mike pulls up.
"Heyy" I exclaim while hopping in the passenger seat.

We drive for about 10 minutes and pull up to Will's house.

I can't believe he has his own house. He doesn't have to deal with annoying family.
That would be a dream come true for me.

We walk in through the front door and we're greeted by Will.
"Thanks for coming guys. I really needed some help to get this thing going. Do you guys want anything? Anything to drink or whatever? Feel free to go through the fridge"

We sit down to play some games on the console, and Will takes the time to explain some things.

"This is going to be big. I've allowed each of the people I've invited to bring a guest if they wish. That's goes for you guys too. If you two wanna invite another person, go for it"

"Does it have to be someone you know?" I ask

"I know just about everyone. But no, it doesn't have to be"

I look at Mike,
"Maybe I'll invite Matilda" I mutter.
"do you know who you'll invite?" I ask him.

"Not that I know of" Mike answers.

"Oh yeah and also, its gonna be BYO for the drinks. I'll buy some but I'm not gonna spend a fortune trying to supply everyone" Will adds.

"That is fair" says Mike.

"Wait what if your under-age and you can't buy drinks?" I ask.

"Well then you won't be drinking at my party" Will laughs.

"Mike?" I say.

"Y/n it's no problem. I'm 17. And I'm tall. There's no way they could refuse me. We'll go and buy the drinks later."


We spend the next hour setting up stuff. Well maybe it took more than an hour because the boys were mucking around, throwing stuff at eachother. Well to be honest, I was too. It was pretty funny.


Then we spent the rest of the day just chilling, watching TV, and I watch the boys being boys.
I text Matilda and invite her to the party as my guest. I chose to invite her because she's an introverted kid. She's always got her nose stuck in some book, she loves to read. I will never understand her.
Who knows? Maybe she might get out of her zone and meet someone?

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