the hospital

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A few hours later


As soon as we got to the hospital, Charlie went straight into surgery. She was in a pretty bad state by then.

In that time I got a check up. The doctor patched me up a little.
A few stitches on my face.

I was quite a sight.

They told me that I'm a little shaken up and a few injuries here and there, but I'll be fine.

I'm more worried about Charlotte.


The police asked me a few questions about what happened.

I wish I didn't have to remember it in such vivid detail. I wish I could forget what I saw last night.



It's 7am now. My shift would've ended an hour ago.
No to be honest, my shift would've ended earlier if Charly didn't save me.

She saved my life. I wish I could've saved her's.
I hope she's doing okay in the emergency room.


I'm glad I'll never have to work there again.

The doctor is going to check on me soon to see if I'm good enough to go home.


I wonder what's happening back home. I wonder what my family will think when they find out.

Or at least what's left of my family.

I should text mum and let her know that I'm okay before she goes and has a heart attack.

I click onto messages.

I don't know why, but I was hoping to see a message from my darling's name. Y/n.

She'd probably be awake by now. Although something tells me she enjoys getting a full night's sleep now.


I let my mum know that everything's alright. But she's still really worried about me and I wouldn't be surprised if she was on her way here right now.


A couple more hours later


I had a nap. And then the doctor gave me a check up. Told me that I'm good to go.

That's good to hear.

But I'm not set on leaving just yet.

I check my phone and it's been blown up with messages from everyone.

Yet not a single one from her.


......."We almost could've lost her but she's very strong. Refused to give up.
She woke up not long ago. She's a bit lethargic"

The nurse leaves me in the room. And closes the door behind me.

I walk up to Charlotte, laying in the hospital bed.

"You're a sight for sore eyes" she huffs, referring to all my scarring and stitches.

I breathe a laugh and move a hand to the back of my neck. "So are you. I didn't know what would happen to you. I thought I lost you again" I say sombrely. I walk over to her and crouch at the side, and rest my hand on the bed beside her.

For the next few minutes we sit there in silence swapping glances with eachother.

Then she goes, "why would you do such a thing?"

I look at her, a little confused.


"Why did you try and deal with it yourself? This was the whole reason I came to see you Mike. So I could help you"

"For the same reason I didn't let y/n get involved. Look at you lying here.
I didn't want this to happen to you.
I was worried to death about you" I exclaim.

She sighs.

Then I add, "But you know what?

You really did save me. If it wasn't for you neither of us would still be here. Technically you saved the whole town too. I think what I meant to say was, thank you."

"We were in this together dumbass" she laughed and rolled her eyes.
"Why don't you tell me how the rest of the night went? I didn't get to see it after I passed out"

I took the time to explain to her what had happened. And I told her about Evan. Her face lit up at the sound of his name. Just like mine did.


After a while, we finished talking. She wanted to rest a bit. So I went and sat on the chair in the room and answered my messages.

A few from mum. A few from mates. Especially Will.

He said he can pick me up from here later if I need.
I'll take that ride.

And a text from Charlie. Boy Charlie.

He told me to come and see him later, if I have time.

I check the clock. It's almost 1:00 pm.

I'm sure I'll have time.


A couple hours later Will arrives at the hospital to take me home.

Charlotte has to stay until she fully recovers which could take weeks, months.

"I'll come to see you everyday." I assure her.

"Don't be ridiculous. What a waste of time" she says and rolls her eyes.

"I'm serious" I laugh. "I'll see you tomorrow"

Before I turn to leave she puts her hand on my arm and mumbles "Thanks. See you" led by another eye roll.

I smile at her one last time and leave, Will meets me and we drive home in his car.


During the drive home I was explaining to Will all the details.
This is like my 10th time explaining to someone what happened last night. And I'm sure it's not the last time.

He dropped me off at home where I was met by hugs from mum and Elizabeth. And a scolding from mum.


After a while of talking to her, I ate, and put on different clothes. The ones I had on before made me look like I was the serial killer.


I think I'm ready. I look in the mirror one last time and run a hand through my hair. I look rather rough with the scars and all.
But I head downstairs and out the door.

I just have one last place to visit........

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