the plans

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9:00 am

Your POV:

it's the weekend.

I got back from work a few hours ago and all I wanna do is chill. I had a small nap just then and now I'm gonna see if theres any food in the kitchen.

I walk to the kitchen and dig around in the cupboards for a few minutes.
I make myself a bowl of cereal. I'm too lazy right now to actually cook anything.

Then I head back to my room with it and swing the door shut.


11:00 am

I've been doing nothing all day. I'm sitting on my bed right now.

Something in my cupboard catches my eye.
I see Mike's varsity jacket hung up on a hanger.
I stand up and take the jacket out, and I put it on myself, just purely out of boredom.

I love this jacket. It looks so good, I think while I stare in the mirror.

It smells like Mike.
It's comforting.

But then I remember what he said last night:

"That's not very 'just friends' of you"

Well he's not wrong.

But I don't know what was going through my head at the time when I asked to borrow it.

I really do love these jackets. They're my style.  But I guess the fact that it belongs to Mike somehow makes it even better.

I sound like such a simp.
I try to think about something else.

Just then, I hear my door opening.
Only to see Charlie walk in.
Of all people.

"What do you want?" I ask sternly.

"I need to borrow your charger" he said while walking to the powerpoint.

He grabbed my charger and turned to leave.
But he got a glance at me.

"Where did you get a jacket like that?"

I'm still wearing Mike's jacket.

"Why do you care?" I snap at him.

"I've never seen you with it before"

"Can you leave now?" I get impatient.

He turns and leaves my room. Without closing the door.
Typical Charlie.



Niki texted me just this morning. Asked me if I wanted to hang out with the group.
I didn't see why not.

So I go through my cupboard and put together some random outfit.

So I go through my cupboard and put together some random outfit

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